Space Fairing Creatures ( if i wrote it right )

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Ok so, we know schema is gona add critters and such on planets, but idk if hes gona add critters/creatures that travel on space, i got this idea from the game named SC2 ( starcraft2 ) because a race named zerg had creatures that chould travel in space and colony other planets, but moving on.

    These creatures chould range from the size of a small fighter to a 5k blocks ship or maybe even bigger, they whould travel around planet to planet, maybe landing in a way like our ships are attracted to gravity... aka, slowing down and touching the ground somewhere on the surface of the planet, staying there abit to maybe rest, then moving on.

    These creatures as they get bigger they get stronger and harder to kill, posing a threat to your stations and keeping you entertained with watching a giant creature killing pirates :D

    Maybe even add a creature so damn big it chould eat planets :O, that be a nice challenge for the cocky persons and the so called nexus thats been going around lately.

    But all of these are all suggestions to the Space Creatures class, ive just resumed it all here.

    What u guys think ? Balanced or overpowered ? Fun or not ?
    Jul 7, 2013
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    I would love giant space whales and Tyranid Hive Swarms with their 100 km long ships sucking all the life out of planets
    Jul 11, 2013
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    if they werent overpowered but a 200 array bb missile could take them out would be good but the mother planet eating one i say no
    Jun 24, 2013
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    An aproximate speed of 5 or 1 speed ship whould be good, also they whould target the closest planets and take a while to eat those as well. Its basicaly so you have to watch yourself just incase :) and maybe to watch a spectacle in a while.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I think it\'s a good idea, and I think i remember reading somewhere that it was planned.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    I like the idea of defending your planet from aliens. I like Zergs and tyranids so this idea sounds fun.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    i love how you said sc2 like no one here would know what that is lol. i like that idea too but how would piraates and trading guild react to them?
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The zerg had one purpose: to destroy the Protoss and the universe, they were not \"gentle\" creatures, they were bred for war and destruction. they didnt \"colonise\" planets, they merely destroyed whatever lived there, made a few hives to secure that world from attack, and moved on.

    (this is all from Starcraft(for those who dont know what SC is, its a very famous RTS Sci-Fi game))
    Jun 24, 2013
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    As with trading-guilds and pirates\'s relation ( kill each other ) the space creatures whould kill any of em on sight ( including us ), but for the love of god the big ones will only attack if we attack 1st because they just want to eat planets and nothing more xD

    Also for the guy above, the zerg weren\'t bred for killing the protoss, a xel\'naga ( an old old creature considered a god ) created the zerg and the protoss to merge em so they chould \'breed\', because they needed 1 creature with the purity of essence and the purity... of something that i don\'t recall right now. The xel\'naga gave the overmind a \'\'all-eating-mission\'\' where the zerg MUST destroy the protoss. To protect the zerg the overmind died but not be4 having given to birth a new leader that was infested from a human named Sarah Kerrigan, respectively the Queen Of Blades.

    Il stop now, history lesson complete.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    I love the idea of giant space creatures! I quoted your idea on my forum post:
    Jul 3, 2013
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    It would be awesome if you could choose different races, (maybe specific to a faction?) and have those races give certain bonuses, and drawbacks similar to SC or Skyrim.

    Just for example:
    Technopaths- Gifted engineers and inventors they get a bonus to energy re-gen and slightly reduced power consumption. There peaceful nature means they deal less damage with weapon systems, and a less powerful jump. They also have cheaper blueprint costs.

    Warmongers- A violent warrior race they get a bonus to weapon damage and a slight increase on weapon velocity but slower turning speeds. Their strength gives them the highest jump height, but they move more slowly in 0-G. They also have increased power consumption and their obsession with offence means a slightly longer shield recovery, but shorter missle lock times.

    Explorers- These space travelers have traveled reaches the others don\'t even know about, their diplomatic connections mean a reduced buying price, and increased selling price, at shops. They can also have double the detection range for the nav hud, the fastest 0-G movement speed, and slightly faster turning and acceleration. Any stations they build have a chance of spawning a shop in that sector.

    Like I said I\'m just brainstorming here, tell me what you think!
    Jul 16, 2013
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    i like the idea somoen said that thet shold be extremly slow.

    i think they should also attacked stations. they would be slow enough that all but the slowest ships could outrun them but a station cant move. so if your station was in its sights you would have to fight of the beast
    Jun 24, 2013
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    But the smaller one may try to eat stations to grow in mass, possibly it chould work this way:

    Leviathan ( test name ) can devour things that are at its max 90% its size, and cannot and won\'t try to eat anything above that percentage, they may even try to eat ships.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    There should be a race of aliens besides the pirates that roam around and attack anything that gets in the way, eatting a planet would probably be more like have hundreds of salavage cannons in the front and shooting at a planet or large asteroid. They would stop once the planet is like 90% eatten, to like give us hints that a few of those guys are close by. I would get freaked out if I flew around space and encountered a planet that has been eatten and shows signs of the planet has been eatten. I would probably look around for other eatten planets like bread crumbs and follow to see if I can find them.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Besides you whoulden\'t even notice the planets getting nommed if they just... disapeared. What about all thats left from em are an asteroid-sized part of the planet with a bite-mark that helps determine the creature\'s size, for an easy comfirmation if it chould be a threat or not.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    in startrek online there are 3 classes tactical, engineer and science/medical. The tactical officers are better with weapons while the engineers are more in touch with the ship, and the science/medical officers can influence other peoples ships with good or bad buffs i think your idea of adding a race to each would be a very good idea exept i think you should be able to choose your race and class and once done so the other speices will also have these like if you chose tactical the other species would have either engineer or science/medical class. (if you do not understand mail me and i will recomment explaining more).
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Choosing race probably won\'t happen for a long while, but chossing the different class I can see that happeneing.