Somethings I would like to see if it can be done

    Apr 6, 2013
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    I would like to see just a couple of things if there even possible I am no programmer but they would be cool if it is something that can be done.

    1. Automated docking units for an example have a docking block that you would dock to and then docking enhancer that let you dictate where the ships go and have a system that lets it check for open slots for multiple ships and a reverse system to get the ships back out. Like if you have a ship in dock you get in and undock and it will auto undock the ship back to the beginning of the line and then you can just fly away and of course a docking size enhancer so bigger ships can still dock with smaller ships. The reason I ask for this I like the concept of the parking garages around the world that automatically park your cars in large structures and then bring them back to you and I have a large ship in game with 8 shuttles in it and a narrow opening for them to get out with players on my server that are not skilled pilots to fly out well enough. I would also like to make these systems for stations so it is easy in and out.

    2. Shield read outs so you can actually see how much shields a ship or station/planet have.

    3. Wedge and corner light blocks for more detailed lights.

    4. Tractor beams for ships so you can haul empty ships and move the around.

    Thank you and I hope these are possible and you like them. :)
    Apr 18, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Ship renaming.
    • Salvagers disassembling the core if it is the only block remaining.
    • Some way to move the salvaged blocks into an attached container (or multiple at once) instead of the inventory. It is a strange idea that the whole wreck is moved into a crewmember\'s personal belongings instead of some kind of cargo hold.
    • A device to pick up floating block items (ideally, putting them into linked storage containers as well). Maybe the salvagers could do that, or separate equipment like those very tractor beams.
    Apr 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i would like to see not only the harvester store go their but the cargo the enemy ship drops so i dont have to go out side my ship to get it and back and for to dump off what i got and it would be nice to sell from them to
    Apr 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    using factory i think it would be cool if we can build bigger weapon block like the ore lvls
    lvl 1 being what we start with and taking 10 of them and making a lvl 2
    same size as the lvl 1 block and so on 10 lvl 2 = lvl 3 / 10 lvl 3 =lvl 4 / 10 lvl 4 =lvl 5.
    say you have a small ship with lvl 5 guns you can use less of them and still be a danger.
    i all so thin the block lvl think would work with other blocks to weapons, harvester , power , armor,docking
    all for space saving so we don\'t need a 300 block ship or the dreaded 2k long .
    Apr 6, 2013
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    Custom built missles for a launcher that is built by you to make a \"mass destruction warhead\" for the fun of it lol!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    It would be nice to let you exit out of the core and into the ship so you could act as a crew man and the captain and wouldnt have to stop.