Some thoughts on those missiles


    Space Triangle Builder
    Jan 12, 2014
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    PVP is its own animal, and typically devolves into min/maxing everything in the game. That only leaves room for one or two weapons. See any MMORPG for examples. I do agree that the various weapon systems need to be modified to make them more relevant, but it's also important that they retain characteristics to set them apart. Some weapons may actually exist to provide RP opportunities. The hulk missile may not be a great PVP alternative, but that doesn't make it a bad weapon. My Romulan warbird wouldn't be the same without its hulk missile.
    *raises hand*
    Good balance means the min-maxers will be given options instead of one or two options.

    The hulk missiles (by the way) are beyond awesome right now for small bombers that can get up close, or for planet destruction. Think shotgun slug from CoD or Battlefield.

    Other than that? Let's make these babies more interesting. I'd like to use something besides Cannon+Ion and Multi-Output Beam Missile Coring Arrays.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1428615808,1428615608][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and Doomcubes?
    They still rule. It's just that people don't use them much anymore because everyone hates them. What you have to watch for is the Cube-like creations of certain builders. They try to maximize their combat design by bulking up in places they shouldn't instead of focusing on aesthetic design.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Cannon-missiles aren't useless... I do agree that they could be a bit faster, though.