Some suggestions for game.DEVELOPERS,PLEASE READ THIS.

    Jul 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello, very much to be pleasant to me the game StarMade and I would like to offer some useful ideas.
    So, first I think that ?raft system is NECESSARY for game. Not necessarily as in MineCraft, at least analog. It is simple to look for not interestingly ores only to sell them. In general ores and other materials need logical application. For example creation of armor and other improvements for the character. It is also stupid to break blocks from one blow because each block has to have different durability and special blocks have to break only certain tools. Also I think that the weapon of near and far fight too is necessary.Still I think that it is time to add the main menu already.
    Secondly, I think that all would like correction of bugs with planets and their gravitation. Also wouldn't prevent to create weather a condition for planets, and also their population (mobs). I understand that it is difficult to do games but if developers now read it, I ask to apply these changes in force.
    Well and meanwhile on it all.


    -=[Mr Mell0w]=-
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Got a few suggestions here -

    •multiple thruster types - like with weapons, there should be multiple types of thrusters which each have their own unique properties, obviously the better ones being more expensive. for example, TYPE 1: well rounded TYPE 2: good acceleration, but not capable of high speeds TYPE 3: other way round TYPE 4: sudden burst of speed. Has a cooldown and is very power hungry TYPE 5: very power efficient, however slightly slower that type 1. These are just some examples of what could be done. There would be a new \"engines computer\" added to the game were you can bind them so different keys, like the weapons computer.

    •purely for good visual pleasure, shields should be visual even when the ship is not being shot, like on star wars :P

    •(only apliccable to ai ships) currently the bobby ai module isn\'t amazing and needs to updated soon. It should be capable of making the host ship follow the core owner (the person who built it) or could be programmed to follow a specific target, player or ship. It should have an optional home base, probably within an area of the faction home, where it can return to after destroying a ship.

    •plex doors should make a noise and have some kind of animation.

    •you should start on a planet, not in space


    Jul 1, 2013
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    I agree with Stakhanov. None of this is necessary. We are at an ALPHA state. State where the whole game code can get changed rather drastically. Adding fluff like menus and planet weather is for later. Different types of tools will also be added much, much later. Stuff like this is easy to add. Right now the focus is to get solid flying/building/interacting mechanics. Blocks and fluff is stuff for late in development.