some sugestions

    Jan 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I started playing this game not long ago and as I was playing I came up with a few(or a lot) of ideas.
    some if my ideas may be useless but I hope that amongst them there would be one or more that would be a great addition to the game. please critisise my ideas so I know what is wrong with them, I dont want to be fooled into thinking everyone likes it when no one does...
    (if any of my ideas are already part implemented or useless due to something already in-game than I apologise as I dont know everything about the game yet)
    anyway I will get started with my first idea(more may come later):
    my first idea is about the factory system. the current system is an interesting system but it isn't really large scale(at least as far as I have discovered) so I had an idea that would allow for large scale factories and manufactoring. when I think of factories I think of large banks of machineary and pipes leading from tanks and pumps... of course this would be hard(ish) to make so I cam up with a simpler idea. one that would allow for larger machines and construction lines without having to implement stuff much more complex than existing things.
    So my idea is: a larger scale factory system made using different type of machine. they are made by building a core of the right type(like mixer core, asembler core, furnace core...) then connecting blocks onto it. different blocks would effect it in different ways like speed, efficiency, energy cost and so on... these blocks would all be attached together like in existing systems, they would have to be touching to be counted as a single machine.
    in order to use them you would need to conect a factory input and factory output to the core and these would be where you put the items in and take them out.
    so with this idea you could have large machines that would do a specific process.
    different type of machine would be able to do different type of process for example grinders would make dusts and powders from solids, asemblers would attach components together into complex devices, mixers would take in liquids and powders and produce new liquids(paints, chemicles...), freezers would cool things down, prehaps turning water to ice, extractors would would extract things from chemicles and ores...
    you could think of all sorts of different machines and processes I only gave example types of machine and process.
    the advantages of this idea is:
    A) the processes could be made to make sense, mixers would mix dyes and white paint to make coloured paint(example), grinders would make powdered stuff like rock -> sand or ore->powder_with_fancy_name
    B) the machines would be customiseable, if you neede a low power, fast machine you youw could add blocks to it to change it and upgrade it. ( you could have existing blocks upgarde them(hulls could act as insulator for furnaces thus increasing efficiency) or add new blocks specificly for factories.)
    C) the factories would be a bit more predictable as there are more machines that have specialised processes
    D) this would both allow for building large factories for looks and for manufactoring things in large scale if you need them(for example a reinforced hull factory that take up part of a station(or all of it...))
    E) this would be flexible, you should be able to add new ways of manufactoring things wihtout having to make new processes, just add new things for one of the processes that uses existing items.

    I had a few different ideas for machine types, I have mentioned a few but here is a list of some with a brief description:
    grinder: make powders out of solids, used for producing powdered dyes for example
    furnace/heater: would be used for heating things and fusing them together,these could be used for melting powdered alloys(or plasitc alloys) into solid matirial like powdered plexitanium ore -> plexatanium bar
    cutter: cuts raw matirials into usefull shapes, for example reinforced bar -> reinforced plating or ingot-> wire.
    laser thingy(name needs work): would make small electrical components, like resistors, or chips
    mixer: mixes things, example: water + yellow dye + protien -> yellow paint(organic paint?..)
    asembler: this would combine components into machines like mini reactor + power crystle mounting + grey hull ->power core
    refiner: this would take in ores and output whatever was in the ore(metal, crystles, gems, weird radiactive substances...whatever)

    as the asembler would probably be the most used machine this would probably need a better way of choosing what to make out of the different possible items, prehaps a small grid that you put items onto to determin what the machine makes or something like that.
    there are probably a few importand things I have missed but I hope I have explained enought for the basic idea to be understood so you can decide how good(or bad) it is.

    anyway this was my first idea(I have a lot more) :D I hope parts of it are some use or looking at this idea inspires a better idea.