Some Station Questions

    Jul 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    first off is it possible to buy an abandoned station. using a faction block and a build block just take possesion of an abandoned station (if you are too lazy to build your own station and just want to convert one).

    second in a single player game do you need to defend a station? like do you need to put turrets on it to protect it from pirates.


    edit: oh one more question. is it possible to waypoint a station so you can find it even when you leave the sector? no one wants to get lost on their way home.
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    First off: You don\'t even have to b uy it. The station already exists.

    Second: No. Just set it as your faction home, and even YOU can\'t blow it up.

    Third: If you set it as your Faction Home, just look at the factions list and look it up. Otherwise, just record the three numbered coorinates.