
    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Silver 2
    Hello everyone who may know me as the pipe-god-emperor, djenty, jointy, jonty, fluffles, cookiemonsterspacemarine, or those of you who don't recognise me and have no idea who I am.

    Well first off, I do music things and I build in starmade.
    Secondly I am making this thread to put the music in one place so that the glorious community of starmade land can listen to said music while playing, or even use it for twitch live streams as this is all ROYALTY FREE!
    Thirdly I want you wondrous people to give suggestions on song ideas. For example you want to have a really creepy theme music for a derelict space station, tell me via this thread and if more than 1 person wants it, it shall be done at some point in time.

    Why general threads I do not hear you ask because this is the internet, we normally read what over people say... Well because it is related to starmade and general threads are easier to find, almost as easy to find as duplicate suggestions...

    Anyway, here is the first "series" of this music
    Any new music will be posted down here as well as the individual tracks of each series (this is going to get long eventually)

    And there will be more.
    Please request song ideas/styles because it is strange writing for this and 3 other bands.

    Compulsory WIP titan pic


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    btw: Your first SoundCloud embed is an album, do you need the additional embeds?

    This music is not bad, but I don't know if it fits into a space game.
    However any music is better than none and having some variety doesn't hurt either.