Some Multiplayer Issues

    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    1. If someone is in a controlling computer (Scavenger, Antimatter, missiles, etc) people are unable to enter the core, and therefore unable to drive the ship. Every time the pilot needs to leave the ship all the crew must get out before the pilot can get back in.

    2. I'm sure this is already in here somehwere, but I'll say it again anyway. Players are almost constantly desycing from the server. Meaning that they see ships moving or unattaching or being in places that they arent when they're actually not. This leads to a lot of anger and confusion when playing the game.


    My ship was destroyed by my friend test-firing his missles because he saw I was 100m to the side but I wasn't.

    I saw the hanger bay floor was 10m below where it actually was and crashed into it.

    I'm trying to stop the mothership from moving so people can dock on it but since my client thinks it's already stopped,it won't tell the server to stop the ship and I keep driving away.

    3. Astronaut mode is glitched. Many times when someone gets ejected from their ship (due to other bugs or crashing) they are unable to move in astronaut moade and therefore unable to get back to their ship.

    4. If someone's game crashes while they are in a ship, players won't be able to enter that ship until they relog because the server doesn't update their clients. At times I see the same person in like 5 different ships because of this glitch.

    Overall suggestion: Make more things server side rather than client side.