Some ideas I had

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Oyo !

    (This is my first post, every sugestions, was thinked by me, don't hate if you don't like them)

    I'm a Gundam fan, and from watching that anime, I have several sugestion for Star-made.

    I. Cockpit stuff.

    In Gundam, you have several jobs in each ships. Like the comanding officer, the weapon officer, the communication officer, the radar and other search method officer, the pilot, the machinists,, etc...

    It would be interesting to have (only for large and very large ships) :

    1 : a communication bloc, usable for communication large distance' coded transmission. It would be intersting to see also a code cracking function for listening enemy transmission.

    2 :a radar block, used for detecting medium to extra large class in nearby sector.

    3. a reparation bloc, used for repairing large damage to smaller craft and replace deleted bloc, it can also equip the user with a limited portable repair weapon. It would be interesting to see when there is shield and power trouble, a machinist running for repairing it before larger problems.

    4 : This one is a little bit controversial, don't hate me for it, please. Chairs, directly put next to an usable block, when an user use the block, it appear sit on the chair, killable by an enemie infirating the ships. This could make an infiltration possibility on large craft.

    II. Player stuff

    1. I want space combat in a space craft, for that we need portable weapon. Maybe an armory bloc permiting using weapon stored in it. The shop could provide said weapons.

    2. Job progression, yes, I love RP. I could think of different skills which could be learned by player working in large spacecraft. By example :

    - A pilot branching skill tree, with Ace, Company and Officer speciality. Each speciality providing different skills like high maneuvrability for Ace, speed bonus for Company and Evasive Manoeuvre for Officer. Each speciality work the most with their class craft, Ace-Fighters, Company-Freighter, Officer-War Space-Craft.

    And for last, something I really wish is possible.

    Movable block, pivot and translation, I want a moving deck and a giant robot ! Did I said I love Gundam ? :P.

    Thanks for reading, tell me what you think of it, don't kill me.
    May 21, 2013
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    This seems like a nice way to counteract \'bigger is better\', in some ways. Instead of blowing a large ship up, a small group could make their way inside and take control ... if the crew were caught unawares. Thing is, a lot of people are pissed that griefers are stealing their tiny beginner ships. This is a way for them to do it to bigger, more expensive ships.

    So while I like the idea, I dunno about the rest of us.

    Also, why expose yourself on a chair when you can just jump into the computer ?
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Well the reason is primarly RP, but I prefer the block acting as screen than pocket dimension, also if they are death penalty we could think of taking prisonners, which mean higher rate of faction war. \"rescue squad, take back the planet !\"

    For griefer, we could think of coded keys (yeah Gundam again) which prevent ships steal.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    im looking for help with a attempting to remake the baikal class carrier ship from gundam 00
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I had read about the who forced breaching of a large ship thing before, they spoke about using tractor beams combined with that energy stealing beam I forget how it\'s called. Once the tractor beam has taken hold the energy stealer would take energy from the targeted ship disabling it momentarily. Then a group of players would leave the attacking ship and put explosives on the side of the hulls of the targeted ship and detonate the bombs using their small player guns. Once inside they would go and try to find the ship core, this is where another idea by another guy comes in, where the main ship core isn\'t the weak point anymore, well it still IS but you would need to do more to destroy it, the more damage the ship gets the more the ship core\'s health goes down. So instead of attacking the ship core directly you would essientally have to destroy the whole ship, like in a space battle they have in the movies, that way players would need to split up into groups and use some military formations (that\'s if the players actually go with it and not act like children and went to do their own stupid shit). One group goes towards the ship core while another goes to the thrusters or main computers and such, the ship core is still the weak point but this way you would be trying to destroy the ship not just the core. They also spoke about little mini turrets inside of the ships, so the invading players would need to take cover instead going guns a blazing into the room where the ship core is. They would take cover and either shoot their guns at the turret or have one guy with a mini RPG or something like that and blast the turret away. The whole taking people hostage could also be good especially in a faction war, the war could be declared over the moment the leader of the faction is captured, for this there needs to be something like a war judge. Someone in the server who is not in any of the factions and his/her only goal is to observe, the moment the leader is captured or bases destroyed or all of the ships are destroyed the war judge can call victory to whoever is left standing. Shema had said that he is actually putting in vehicle cores that are affected by gravity, so if there is an enemy faction base on a planet your faction can build drop ships with maybe 6 extra cores inside of the drop ships, it would essectially be the strap in chairs you would see in the movie Starship Troops, and under the drop ship could be a docking module where a tank could be stationed in, the moment the drop ship is close to the planet where gravity is now in use, the guy in the tank can undock and take off firing at the base\'s turrets while the 6 extra people in the drop ship would get out of their cores, open the plexdoors and jump out of the ship and run towards the enemy base. Since you guys like gundam so much (just like me) instead of it being a tank it could be a mobile suit only with hover legs or tank legs, it would be awesome if the enemy brought out their own mobile suit designs and it would look like a really gundam war.

    Like this only having large cannons or missle launchers on their shoulders and instead of hands they would be cannons, maybe turning the arm cannons into turrets using the turret module, you would build a turret in a shape of an arm cannon so the arms moved on their own while you control the shoulder mounted missles.