Some ideas about the future of starmade

    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello! I have a suggestion that is, in my head, good.

    Now, if you have played starmade, and played multiplayer, you know that if you log off, and you are near the spawn, people will salvage youre ships really fast with insta-harvesters. I have lost many a ship to this, and it would help if there was a way to safeguard against those big harvesters, and be able to build without those pesky people ramming you and sending you flying. Also a copy and paste toll would be nice.

    1. The Spaceport

    The Spaceport would be like a shop, but bigger and would have docking type things, where you fly slowly into these hangars and it locks you on to the Spaceport. You could then go inside, and if a player-by-player trading system was implemented, and a bar, or other little shops, it would be a hub of activity on the server. The hangars would be locked via the player automagically, and you could go into a Shipyard mode to build completely new spacecraft without being rammed, or having a bug in which players can access your ship and take all your stuff, which I talked about a little bit in a bug post. If a spaceport was full, or if you simply wanted to spawn next to some other shop, you could.

    2. The "p" button

    Whenever I hit the "p" button ingame, a little 3D map shows up, and I can see all the shops, planets, and spacestation thingys, and I can rotate this map. This actually happens, and is not a suggestion, but this is: If you could access this 3D map using a map-computer, or something cooler sounding, then this would be great, and if little markers shown up when you moused over the little boxes, that'd be nice.

    3. Player-stuff

    If you could buy modifications to your character, that affect the gameplay somehow, that would be nice. Also, if player-held weapons (which i think are a planned feature, but i dont know) could have some sort of modification slots also, so that you could build, or buy from someone, a Sniper-esque rifle, with high damage, and high speed, but low reload, that would be awesome. If you could "Blueprint" these guns, even better. If a type of slot system could be made so that you could only carry one big gun, or carry only two medium guns, or only carry one medium gun and two small guns, or only carry one medium gun, one small gun, and a grenade, or tricorder, or some specialty item like that. It would also be nice to have the modifications to the guns be permanent to the gun, so that people dont exploit it and create a sniper one second, and a shotgun the next, which would make gunfighting boring. (or you could have a single gun that could switch between two gun types, like a shotgun/noobtube, with a cooldown for switching, which could be made to be extremely expensive.)

    4. Work on stations more, planets less, if possible.

    I would rather have awesome space stations then planets that are square and boring. And round planets dont really work in this game so.....

    5. Player-needs?

    In DayZ, there are hunger needs, and water needs, and other things, if those could be implemented, that would make the survival aspect better, and if player made modifications could make it so that you would need less food, or could survive in space without a suit for short amount of time, like 10 minutes at a time, or something along those lines, that'd be great.

    6. MOAR GUNS (ship wise)

    Antimatter cannons are great and all, but i like a little diversity in my arsenal choice for burst lasers. Like maybe drones? Or hull attaching trackers? Or even 1 use nukes that leave radiation for ships and players to contend with? Or EMP cannons to knock out an enemies power system, and your own? Or data-overloaders which would send false information about your ships position to the enemy ship? Or Large Wave Particle Targeted Explosions? (a space shotgun) Or an oil slick?

    7. Better armour?

    Even though i have an Odin, which has these amazing missiles and other things, some other small, pure attack, megacannon only ships eat through my armour pretty fast. If some more hull types were created, that'd be nice.

    8. Books, or data-files.

    These data-files could be used as ship blueprints, charting sectors of where stations and abandonded megaships are, making short stories about how cute puppies are, or even designs for VEG's (very effecient weapons).

    9. Some seriously special items

    Maybe some really hard to get to player held weapons, or a modification to your ship to make it go really fast, or some genesis nukes, or some Matrix Glasses, or, realllllllly powerful cannons.

    Thank you for reading this post, and bye!
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The game is still in alpha, and many of these things are already planned. And others will be fixed in another way (i.e. making planets less boring so you WOULD want to go to them).

    As usual when I see the suggestion, I will agree that armor needs a buff.
    Dec 30, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    For example desert planets already got a bonus on them, ruins, a golden pyramid with loot in a chest in middle, the technical chance of finding one is 1 out of 30, but at least on some server I know it was more like 1 out of 50 xD
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree with most of your ideas--some of them are really cool, especially 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and finally, 8. The third idea I think would be a little useless on its own because this game is about making huge ships, not huge/amazing guns. Also, there is no point to killing players other then stopping them from controlling their ship, and even then the guns would be useless unless the player exited their ship\'s core mid-battle. The only way I could see guns working would be if Schema added a way for players to dock onto their enemies\' ships during a battle--then, the players could use explosives or something to blow up walls or disable entire weapon systems within the ship. This would be really cool, but then there would have to be a way of navigating through a moving ship. Currently, if you go inside a ship when it is moving, you will just clip through the walls and end up outside the ship.

    I would find idea number five really annoying, because then it wouldn\'t be possible to spend long periods of time building a ship with out dying.

    Anyway, really cool ideas, and I hope to see them implemented in the future.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I hate, hate, hate the idea of needing things like food and water. In games like Minecraft, it feels natural, but in a Space game like StarMade, it would feel completely out of place, and like stormclouf said, it would make building ships difficult because you would constantly die.

    However, a lot of the other stuff, like player hubs and fancier stations, would be a welcome addition, in my opinion.
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Great Ideas, I think it woudl be cool if you had to find (or maybe even build) a shipyard area in order to buy ships from the catalog. Then you\'d have to wait a certain amount of time for it to be \"constructed\".