Solar System and planet Environment.

    Yes or no for habitable zone?

    • Yes!

      Votes: 3 100.0%
    • No!

      Votes: 0 0.0%

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    Oct 6, 2013
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    One of my favourite pastimes in Star-made is exploration and Role-play, and so when I was doing this I found a rather unrealistic solar system structure. One Solar system I found had 2 Ice Planets orbiting Very close to a star and a desert planet orbiting at the very edge of the solar system, What? Then I found another system Like this:

    (sorry for bad quality) if you can see there is an Ice Planet Almost inside the star and a desert planet that is orbiting further away...

    I know this is probably already planned but I just want to make sure that this is fixed despite being not that important.
    Basically I want planets to spawn where there planet types would realistically spawn E.G deserts near the sun, Green somewhere in the middle and ice on the outskirts of the system.

    Another thing I thought of was not something that could be fixed but more something to add,
    I always thought that having habitable zones inside a star system would be cool, I already know that if a planet is too close to a star then it is zapped by radiation and you die but I would like to see damage being taken if you were on an ice planet far our in the solar system.

    Thanks for reading
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    Reactions: SkylordLuke
    Jul 20, 2013
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    First things first, F5 and F6 take in game screencaps.

    Now, about the suggestion. Yeah, I'd like to see some kind of natural order to the solar systems myself. Technically speaking, you could see combinations that seem strange depending on the star's brightness, like an entire system of desert planets or whatever even if they are far away. So a static distance based approach isn't ideal. I'd like to see something dynamic where star size and intensity (which would also determine color) determines what can and can't spawn in close, mid, and far orbits. That way a standard star could have multiple zones diverse with planets like you described, a red dwarf star could have nothing but ice planets orbiting it with maybe a mars-like planet in close, or a blue super giant with nothing but the desert planets in it's system, or some other kind of combination.

    Our model of the solar system is somewhat of an oddity in the galaxy, so I think a more dynamic system that makes earth-like planets a rarity would be pretty sweet and add some game value to them in addition to having a more realistic model of stellar systems. Not that star made needs to be realistic or anything, but the model just makes sense.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Maybe a star could have a habitable radius from which a second radius is derived.
    • habitable.innerRadius = distance x
    • habitable.outerRadius [derived] = x*1.5

    BTW: Once I saw a StarGate-Part where a Wormhole through a heavy Star turned a normal Star at the destination red.
    • AND it got hotter, not colder!

    In other games/movies, some civilisations were born in different-coloured Star-Systems and have different favourite-colours including:
    • ultra-violet colours (they may have metal skin),
    • infra-red colours (they may have a skin deflecting IR wavelengths)
    Maybe we need new hull colours and colour-frequency-shifts once Alien-Species make it ingame.
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    Reactions: Will2brown
    Mar 7, 2015
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    Maybe we need new hull colours and colour-frequency-shifts once Alien-Species make it ingame.
    Well, we have already explored the more hull colors a little while ago... didnt work out. However, I think color frequency shifts might just be doable...