This server is more of a test then a 100% dedicated server Uptime will try to be kept at 24/7.
1. No Griefing players or damaging/salvaging their ships/stuff without prior agreement with the player. Even if you kill them in PVP this isn't an automatic right to strip their ship they may have spent a long time making. Try and agree beforehand what will happen to the losers stuff.
2. Keep the chat language clean please. I have a teamspeak surver!
3. It's basically minecraft in space - not EVE online. Express your opinions, if noone shares your opinion so be it let them play how they want to play. Any player who insists on constantly trying to make people play how they feel it should be played causing aggravation in the server will be asked to leave.
4. Play fair (i.e. No spawn camping)
Server ip: (port is default)
Teamspeak Server: (port is default/no password)
1. No Griefing players or damaging/salvaging their ships/stuff without prior agreement with the player. Even if you kill them in PVP this isn't an automatic right to strip their ship they may have spent a long time making. Try and agree beforehand what will happen to the losers stuff.
2. Keep the chat language clean please. I have a teamspeak surver!
3. It's basically minecraft in space - not EVE online. Express your opinions, if noone shares your opinion so be it let them play how they want to play. Any player who insists on constantly trying to make people play how they feel it should be played causing aggravation in the server will be asked to leave.
4. Play fair (i.e. No spawn camping)
Server ip: (port is default)
Teamspeak Server: (port is default/no password)