Slightly More Realism

    Jun 23, 2013
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    while youre all pissing about speed and how \"unreal\" it is when in fact it doesnt really matter, why dont you actually focus on the REAL realism type stuff like, how the hell is there a day and night cycle in space??? i dont know about you guys, but last time i checked, there are infinite numbers of stars in the universe and a sun is a \"star\" ergo the universe cannot run on a day and night cycle because there IS no day or night cycle in space.

    just say\'n
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Not sure what gave you the idea that the universe is running on a day-night cycle... My best guess is that you\'re referring to the direction light comes from changing over time. This is caused by the sectors rotating, which is the game\'s way of simulating planetary rotation (a wonderful example of non-realism, if I ever saw one). If that\'s not what you\'re referring to, please explain.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I\'ll reply to this again, in case you don\'t see the previous one: What day-night cycle do you refer to? Can you give an example of it?
    Jun 23, 2013
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    so am i just dumb or can everyone else see that there is really a giant white star that orbits with the rest of the universe causing a day and niht cycle WHILE in space? because last time i checked it shines like the star of David saying, \"you cant miss me homey-g!\"
    Jun 24, 2013
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    There\'s no day/night cycle in space. Now back on topic, you would just have to change the display.Sure games don\'t usually have the same amount of realism if they have to do with space, it\'s just very annoying. imagine this, two planets bigger than Earth, close enough to each other like the diameter of NYC. That\'s just unrealistic! Imagine that!? The atmospheres would be close enough to touch! That\'s just plain stupid

    And the length you have to travel to reach them. They make space seem so small.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Your talking about realism in a minecraft clone, Its a fantasy game about everything being made up of 1m/1m cubes... physics and jsut about everything we know in real life abotu anything is thrown out the window.. I can understand why you think the space between planets is stupid.. hell U\'ve watched planets crash into eachother on the game.. which is odd... anyway.. i can agree planets should be spaced out more but the games in alpha... its very... very... VERY alpha.. so im sure you can expect changes in the future :3

    Edit: Also.. What in the literal F&*$... really? day/night cycles in space? the giant star orbating? god.. are we back in the B.C.\'s were the eath is the center of the universe? -facepalms-
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Yeah... I think I understand what you\'re seeing. You\'re complaining that the sun moves in a circle around the player, causing light to shine from a different angle, right? Okay, let me explain why this happens.

    Simulating the rotation of planets around a solar system seems pretty simple. And it would be, if the planets themselves actually moved from one sector to another. However, they stay in the same sector, I assume this is for optomization, as the game might have trouble calculating the movements of that many blocks. Now, why don\'t the sectors rotate? Well, mainly because there are multiple solar systems, space in-between the solar systems, and the sectors are numbered. This means that, to really rotate the sectors themselves, the sectors would be completely out of order as some move in one direction, some in others, and some don\'t move at all.

    The solution to this: The sectors rotate. Quite seriously, every sector just turns in place (I believe this is also the cause for the glitches moving from one sector to another, but I can\'t prove that yet). This gives a vague impression of rotation around a star, as well as simulating the day-night cycle for planets. Is it more than a little strange? Yes. But I assume it\'s necessary.

    If that\'s not the day night cycle you\'re talking about, then please explain what I\'m missing.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    what kinda idiot are you, do you not see the giant ass star that disappears at a certain point in its rotation and then reappears as though it were a day/night cycle. Mr no did a pretty good job with discussing it however you on the other hand seem like a baby dropped at birth. whether or not that was meant to be its what happens due to the fact that each planet doesn\'t have an individual sun like they should so it causes a fucking day/night cycle in space unintentionally. I must be the fuckn messiah if I\'m the only one who understands this
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Dude ... settle the hell down. You\'re getting pissed about opinions on a game that\'s still early in development.

    Aside from that, there are some render distance issues which make things jump around and/or teleport in and out of view, even when you zoom out so you can rotate the camera to get a clearer view of where planets are around you. I don\'t see how you\'re surprised that the nearby star would have goofiness like that as well. Besides, the whole sector rotates in space so it\'d make sense that the light angles on your ship and starbase and everything would look kind of like a day/night cycle.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I\'m not getting pissed off at your opinions I\'m getting pissed off at the fact that it seemed as if I\'m the only one who could see the giant star that\'s always there as well as crayon box up there acting like a jack ass.

    but anyway. I see what you and MrNo are getting at with the big star thing. so I\'m done here
    Jun 24, 2013
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    No offense but, you\'re calling out everyone and also insulting them. Plus you can\'t spell veery good. Now, let\'s just leave this aside and talk about the original post.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    there aren\'t many \"realism problems in this game. most are just technical issues.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    If we really wanted to be realistic, then ships should not slow down after a period of time, they should continue to fly at the same rate because of the lack of friction in space.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    That\'s very true! I was thinking of posting that myself, but you saved me the trouble! :D +1
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Actually, the friction in space thing is a server setting. Any server can adjust it or turn it off, but it\'s generally advisable to leave it on since you sometimes get ejected from ships at weird times.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Oh wow, forgot that this game is played by children as well... Kicking and screaming at everyone in the thread just because they themselves are spoiled, ignorant, rude children! Im daft because I think your silly for thinking theres a day/night cycle in space.. Kid, I double you even know what \"North\" is in space. though If you payed attention im sure you could figure it out.. but by the looks up it your incapable. as D-Car stated, there are graphic bugs that cause the \"sun\" (and on rare occasions, planets) to temporarily disapear. Its not because the sun is \"setting\" its jsut abug, the sun/planet is still there.. God... just thinking someone could be so nescient to think theres a day/night cycle in space makes me lose hope in humanity.. Im sorry that your so un-educated and rude, I really hope the best for you, good day to you sir.