Size Specific Ship Systems

    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Right now there is only one type of engine, shield, salvager, generator. Each of these has a base power and gains bonus power exponentially for being in a group. This is good for medium sized ships, but i think we should make multiple parts for different sized ships.

    Small ships parts: These would have a nice high base power, but no bonus exponential power. They would be the most effecient for small ships but dropout later on.

    Medium ship parts: These are the ones we have now. They have an even base power and include an even exponential bonus.

    Large ship parts: These would be effecient for large ships. There is no base power, but the exponential bonus is very strong, so they only really works in large quantities.

    This would allow for different classes of ships to be established. A possible extra class could an extra large parts. They actually have a negative base power, but their bonus is so strong that when they get to ridicuoulsy high amounts they become the most effecient.These would only work on Massive ships.

    Edit: Ok, I did some research. Apperantly each ship part has a different way to calculate power. I honestly think this is bad because it means that engines and generators are more powerful by being super long lines, AMC's are more effective as a bunch of singular mini shots, and salvage cannons make somewhat sense (couldnt find the calculations for the shield). I honestly think these are terrible systems, because it means to make the most efficient ship you need to make something looking really wierd. The only thing that should matter is the amount of parts used and its ability to be more efficient when grouped up together. Until this happens, my idea is a bit useless.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Edit: Ok, I did some research. Apperantly each ship part has a different way to calculate power. I honestly think this is bad because it means that engines and generators are more powerful by being super long lines, AMC\'s are more effective as a bunch of singular mini shots, and salvage cannons make somewhat sense (couldnt find the calculations for the shield). I honestly think these are terrible systems, because it means to make the most efficient ship you need to make something looking really wierd. The only thing that should matter is the amount of parts used and its ability to be more efficient when grouped up together. Until this happens, my idea is a bit useless.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    I like this one, +1\'s for research and a great suggestion. Shield equation (involves maths)
    Aug 10, 2013
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    and I too would like to see better small ships than the current useless ones. (I mean geez, I\'d be better off to just strip my capital\'s fighter deck and build a few more cannons in it\'s place...)

    But if one starts high and grows slowly, while the other starts low but grows quickly, wouldn\'t it lead to a strange possibility of small ships and large ships both having the same stats at some point?
    Aug 15, 2013
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    +1 Because I want to make my ships even more insane than they are naow.

    I am really having trouble with building big ships because big guns really suck and hit the limit after 10K blocks but If i used many small ones it would just crash the game (like 90% of my capital is empty because of this)

    The same thing is happening with everything else: Energy cant be raised over 1million,Shields cant be raised over 1 million either and power storage just sucks

    I think the ships should be classified automatically by using their mass so that you dont have to carry around 30 different kind of blocks in your inventory
    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    But if one starts high and grows slowly, while the other starts low but grows quickly, wouldn\'t it lead to a strange possibility of small ships and large ships both having the same stats at some point?

    Exactly! The point is with a small amount of parts you get more efficiency with the small amount of points. At some point (say 64, 4•4•4) the small ship parts would generate the same amount of power as the medium ship parts, but when using more (say 65, 65>64) the medium engine becomes more efficient.

    Think of I this way. Ever take algebra? The small ship is a linear equation meaning when it\'s graphed out is a line. The medium is a quadratic equation. When graphed out its a U shape. Because it has base power the vertex (bottom of the U) is in the negative side, meaning it starts out at an ok ratio but then overtakes the small because the small line is straight and this one is a U. The large ship parts graph out a much thinner U. However they start out very slowly and only catch up the the medium ship parts later on (maybe 256 8•8•8).
    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Actual classifications? Hmm hadn\'t thought about that. I thought that these new subsets of parts would be recommendations for how many you would use. The thing is I hate it when a game says \"oh sorry, your ship is class 5! You aren\'t allowed to use a cloaker!\" I feel it would be better if you can make your massive class 5 ship cloaked, it just got exponentially more harder the bigger your ship is. Maybe classification could be used to give you a general idea about the ship. Say on your radar, you see \"Isanth IV Class 2 Ship\" maybe you\'d be able to see stats about your ship telling you how many blocks are in your engine(s)/am cannon(s)/ shield(s). This would be helpful for you to organize your ship and maybe it could warn you that using this class of parts is not efficient compared to a different class of ship parts. Just shooting ideas.