Simplified Item Names

    Jul 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    I would submit this to the Google Moderator page, but it's much too long.

    As of right now, you might notice that the actual names of items (specifically functional componenets of ships) oftentimes are large and complicated and sometimes don't even give much of an idea as to what the part is for. I propose that some of these be changed in order to make the game easier for new players to get into although some of their flavor should be retained. Here are suggestions I have for all of the items that I think should have their names changed:

    • SD HCT xm3.4 Power -> SD Power Generator
    • SD pc1.3 Power Tank -> SD Power Tank
    • Glass (Plextanium) -> Glass / Plexiglass
    • Hardened hulls should have the color before "Hardened" For instance Hardened Hull Grey - Grey Hardened Hull
    • Docking Enhancer -> Docking Zone Expander
    • Turret Docking Enhancer Unit -> Turret Docking Zone Expander
    • Weapons Computer -> AntiMatter Cannon CPU
    • Salvage Computer -> Salvage Beam CPU
    • AstroTechnician -> Repair Beam CPU
    • Astrotechnobeam -> Repair Beam
    • d1000 Missile CPU -> SD Dumb-Fire Missile CPU
    • d1000 Missile Array -> SD Dumb-Fire Missile Unit
    • SD KB Missile CPU -> SD Insta-Lock Missile CPU
    • SD KB Missile Array -> SD Insta-Lock Missile Unit
    • SD BB Missile CPU -> SD Lock-On Missile CPU
    • SD BB Missile Array -> SD Lock-On Missile Unit
    • Dis-Integrator (Explosive) -> Explosive Matter Disintegration Charge
    • 10x RadarJammer -> SD Ship Signal Cloak
    • Hyperflux Coil Thruster -> SD Spacecraft Thruster
    • SD Shield Disperser -> SD Shielding Unit
    • Powersupply Beam-Computer -> Powersupply Beam CPU
    • Powerdrain Beam-Computer -> Powerdrain Beam CPU
    • PlexLifter -> Elevator Unit
    • PlexUndeathinator -> SD Resurrector

    I also thought that maybe it would be a cool idea to replace the minerals as they are with real-life elements from the periodic table or maybe different kinds of alloys. This is just an idea, though, and the minerals aren't a very confusing feature as of right now.


    Jul 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    I agree with some and disagree with the others.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Well, you wont know what you do with them if you dont:

    A) do the tutorial.

    B) look up tutorials on youtube.

    your not supposed to know what they do when you start of. its called learning about the game.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I think the only one I can agree with there is the weapons computer being renamed to AMC CPU, unless Schema plans on linking other weapon types to the weapons computer.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I mean it makes the game far more descent with names like SD HCT xm3.4 Power

    So the developer could even add something like SD HCT xm3.5 Power which would give a little more power but would be more rare. i mean.

    Why not just call everything what it is, generator-block, shield-block, gun-block, chest-block, energy-block,?

    you see. streamlining is boring. and not very scientific:)

    i have grown up with the SD HCT xm3.4 Power and i will die with it!>:D
    Jul 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the suggestion especially when it comes to the missile variety. Much easier to understand
    Jul 31, 2013
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    your not supposed to know what they do when you start of. its called learning about the game.

    No, this is called False Longevity. Learning about game includes learning controls, learning how to place generators/thrusters optimally, etc. Not learning that Whaddaidiotnamedthisthing is in fact thruster or power supply.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    The formal name can of course remain in the item description.

    Rather then just make it \"dumbfire\" or something like that, I say we ought to give some of the weapons names. Like making the dumbire \"Mercury rockets\" or some other name like that (or torpedo, depends on how missiles are handled once they get around to actually overhauling them), with the technical letter-and-number \"ID name\" in its item description. The other two can be things like \"_____ IFF missile\" and \"___ lock-on missile\" (replacing the ____ with a name for that weapon)

    Different weapons have different names after all. And when people talk about them, they typically refer to them by that name, not their technical identification number. A number of non-weapon pieces of equipment also follow this trend.

    Some items like the astrotech units already follow this to an extent, so they are good. A more technical name could be added to their description if there isn\'t one there already.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    I support chaging a few names to be a little more helpful. I don\'t think completely dumb names are appropiate, but for things like SD HCT xm3.4 Power... it\'s really unnecessary. Or the missile unit names - there is no reason to give them such complicated names. And changing the weapons/other computers to actually match the weapon name would be nice (I mean, Weapons Computer implies it controls a variety of weapons...)
    Jul 31, 2013
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    It may be that Schema wanted originally Weapons Computer to control all kinds of weapons, but code wasn\'t quite cooperative so he gave up and made separate computer for every type. I, as programmer had similar situation in the past with some features I was developing (I wanted to do one way, but without changing big chunk of code I couldn\'t make it so I just adjusted design).
    Jul 17, 2013
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    The names don\'t have to be the names that I suggested in this thread. I\'m just saying that some of them should be changed to make it more obvious as to what that thing actually does. If you think some of the are oversimplified, go ahead and come up with ideas of your own!

    Anyway, the main reason I was concerned about this is the learning curve. As of right now, I don\'t think Star Made has a huge learning curve, but it does have one. And if the names of the items are overcomplicated or don\'t point towards what they\'re used for, then that creates a larger learning curve for new players than is necessary. What I\'m saying is that the current names create an unecessary figurative increase in slope on the learning curve of Star Made. This ultimately will deter some players from the game. Changing the names to things that are more informative and intuitive can ultimately aid in player retention since more people will be willing to put up with the game\'s learning curve if it isn\'t so steep (if I\'m making sense). However, oversimplifying names will have the opposite effect as people might think the game is just too simple from the appearance of the names.

    TL;DR These names are simply suggestions and the main point is that simplifying, but not oversimplifying item names can help player retention.