Simple Solution to Internal Ship Navigation

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Hey guys, been away from SM for a while, but now I'm back... and full of more ideas... maybe some bad, maybe some good. Anyways, had an idea....

    Got a mega-ship with huge, long halls, tons of decks and want to get around faster? Plex lifters are a bit weird and apparently don't work on ships. Gravity blocks can be orientated in differing directions now, allowing for make-shift elevators, but I think I have a much better and simpler idea.

    Call it the, "Conveyor Block." One simple block that looks like a moving conveyor belt. Place a line of them on the floor on a long hall, stand on it, click and hold, and be quickly whooshed toward your destination at... let's say two or more times the normal speed of travel.

    Allow them to be activated by shift-right-clicking (or whatever key combo would be best) the block to make your astronaut stick to the conveyor. When you want to stop moving, just let go. While clicking and holding use W or S keys to control direction of travel or simply move in the direction your cursor is pointing.

    These blocks could be placed vertically and used as an elevator, or rather, like a fireman pole that goes up or down. Walk up to it, click and hold, then hold W to move up and S to move down.

    The way I see it, the existing Plex Lifter block could be revamped into this so no new blocks need be added... maybe... keep reading... no, seriously... okay, okay, maybe ONE more block added. :P

    Ahem... Back to business... Now, when used as an elevator block, as far as needing a floor beneath you when you let go so you don't just drop down the hole to the bottom of the shaft, perhaps the Plex Lifter deck - that thing that appears, rises up and disappears when it reaches the top, could become a thing that appears - and stays there - between floors when the player lets go. These floors would vanish when the elevator is activated and reappear when you let go, otherwise, they just stay there in place.

    So let's say you have an elevator made of these with 4 floors and you are at the top wanting to go down to deck 2... You walk into the elevator - a column of blocks with space around them like so:


    (X being open space - no blocks, E being the column of elevator blocks)

    Now if you just stand there there is a floor covering the open spaces so you don't fall but once you activate (click and hold the conveyor block) all the false floors disappear and you are free to move up and down. Once you have reached your desired floor, you let go and the deck reappears beneath your feet.... in the diagram, the X blocks would be covered with the elevator floor, which does not move - it just stays there if the conveyor is inactive.

    The only tricky thing needed to make this work is some sort of way for the block to detect where the floor is in order to activate the elevator floor where it touches the deck blocks. I suppose the way to do that is to make the elevator floor appear against any blocks that are one-block gap from the conveyor column. So the layout would look like this...


    W= Wall, X=Open space, E=Elevator (conveyor) column, D=Ships Deck floor

    So any walls surrounding your elevator shaft would need to be at least two blocks away from the conveyor column so it doesn't put an elevator floor there.... if you get what I mean.

    Elevator floors, of course, would not appear on horizontally lain conveyor blocks - only on vertical placement.

    Otherwise, maybe an additional block, the "Elevator Floor Block," could be added where needed. This would allow for smaller 3x3 shafts, rather than needing an extra block distance to the walls, otherwise, shafts would need to be 5x5. I suppose it might also work if the conveyor blocks could be configurable, so you could set only those blocks at floor level to generate an elevator floor.

    Anyway, it's basically a Plex Lifter without a moving deck, you simply grab on and it moves you in whichever direction you desire until you let go. And, like I say, make them at least 2x speed to you can travel faster. This would hopefully eliminate the need to hop into a core to travel around in huge ships.

    Oh... and like the Gravity Block, the effect acts on each individual player so you can have one person going up, while another going down, simultaneously... and even a third standing on the elevator floor between decks that only effects him... the others can pass through his deck if they are currently traveling on the conveyor.

    I hope this make some sense. Since this would be a reuse of existing in-game assets - just recoding the elevator block behavior... not being a programmer, I assume it would be fairly simple... but I could be wrong. And, since the new gravity block behavior causes... let's say, some interesting results as far as alignment, this might be a better, simpler solution for navigating inside large structures.

    Let me know what you guys think.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Another thought I had about these Conveyor Blocks... they might also be used as a sort of Sticky Piston, as in "that other game" to move blocks from place to place. Activator blocks and the entire logic system could be used to do all kinds of things. You might even be able to create doors with normal blocks, instead of Plex Doors. I would love to see some kind of mechanical movement in the game without... you know... copying that "other game" too much. :p

    So, for example, you could make a retractable sliding door by putting conveyor blocks above and below the group of blocks to be moved, like so... (note, this is a side-on view) C= Conveyor Blocks, H=Hull blocks or any other blocks.

    Closed door:

    Activate and the conveyors move all attached blocks above and below the conveyor strips to the right. Of course, you would link the above and below conveyor blocks which would allow them to calculate all blocks between them and move only those blocks.

    Open Door:

    [...=empty space]

    This would make a much simpler automatic door without the need for complex logic arrays and would also have the added convenience of closing in reverse, which requires a really complex, multistage logic circuit to do with plex doors. This thing would need only a single activator block to toggle the action and would open and close the way it should.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    You really shouldn't double post like that. There is a nice edit button if you want to add something. Just saying.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Oh... Sorry... Didn't know the forum cops were on duty today but point taken...but honestly, you really shouldn't post nit-picky, non-topic related trivial criticism that literally nobody cares about like that... seeing as how your so overly concerned about thread space economy and all.

    In any case, my second post, being a completely different use of the proposed block design and not related to the title of the thread, seemed to me better added in an addendum post... you know, rather than having to create an entirely separate forum thread?

    I know about forums and edit buttons... been on the internet since it was born and I'm not a complete retard... just saying. ;)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    *ahem* the mods enforce the double posting rule quite a bit. I wouldn't aggravate them.

    On topic, this conveyor belt to move people around seems like a cool idea.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    OK... Now you petty little trolls have really pissed me off!

    Shall I be reprimanded for failing to extend my little finger whilst drinking tea as well?

    You guys... Seriously? You're literally gonna soil yourselves over my second post, which by the way is not technically a double post because it's not a duplicate of the original, which is what FunnyBunny did before he quickly deleted HIS double post... complains about double post by double posting... Yeah... don't think I didn't notice! Hilarious bit of fail there FunnyBunny... congrats on earning the "Massive Hypocrite Douchebag Achievement!" 20 gamer points to you, bro! ;)

    So unless either of you are Mods - which obviously you are not - then I wouldn't go around trashing new forum members or RETURNING PLAYERS, talking down to them and making snarky remarks (you can take your *ahem* and shove it you know where buddy... You too FunnyBunny... "just saying"). I'm 47 years old and have been on the freakin internet since it started and know my way around a freakin forum. So don't go assuming noobosity until you know who the hell you're talking to, because doing that might just aggravate them to the point of wishing they never came back to this game at all.

    Maybe I should have stayed away from this game - which I really loved, but now, not so much. Thanks for ruining my day... hope you both had fun acting like Mod wannabees and hope you're delicate little egos got the boost you apparently so desperately need.

    Oh... and thanks for nit-picking and perceiving my second post as the forum violation that it clearly is not - at least to any non-petty reasonable thinking person without a chip on their shoulder. No, really guys... brilliant the way you overly judged my forum etiquette by committing your own forum violations (posting off topic, usurping Mod authority which you don't have, and thread derailing). Quite amazing how you two can each commit three forum violations in your attempt to point out my non-violation. I guess some times you just gotta carpet bomb the entire countryside to swat that one, harmless fly doing nothing more than minding his own business.... you see, we adults call that IRONY.

    Anyways, you won't have to worry about me "double posting" again, seeing how that appears to be such an egregious act - so much so as to trump the value of any actual worthy ideas that may be proposed. Because, everyone knows, forums aren't for the discussion of ideas, they exist solely for people like you to feel superior while you tell everybody, "Meh... you're doing it wrong! Meeeeeh!"

    So with deep, deep humility and regret, I beg your pardon for making a suggestion on the internet without the utmost attention to all those trivial little unimportant things that somehow trump actual information and prevent you from remaining focused on the actual topic... didn't know that I was dealing with such fragile intellects, so easily unnerved by the splitting of two different, yet related ideas in one forum thread. So very sorry to force such annoying complexity on you... don't worry though, I will carefully spell check this response so you don't get distracted again and feel the need to post more off-topic responses in this thread which you have clearly already succeeded in ruining. I mean, who needs meaningful discussion when you can just shit all over people instead, right?

    Had I edited my OP - which people hate - rather than posting my separate thoughts in a second post (literally the end of the freaking world, apparently) then I guess all would be good, even though there is so little difference between the two as to be meaningless to all but the most petty, self-important of trolls. Clearly, you guys know what REALLY matters in life... to have someone to look down on. Glad I could provide whippin' boy services to you intellectual giants!

    Yeah... Sarcasm... Not a game you'll ever win with me fellas.

    Thanks for ruining the game for me and costing Schema a customer. I'm sure the mods appreciate your unsolicited vigilantism.

    Have a shitty day and I hope you both get banned for assuming authority that doesn't belong to you and driving a potential paying customer away. This game will receive no support or money from me from now on.

    Congratulations! :?
    Jun 19, 2014
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    I can't delete posts. If I had double posted, it wouldn't be me who deleted it. Also, why are you so angry? @Lecic even said that he like the conveyor idea. I didn't really see any use for you double posting, which is why I just commented on your double post.

    Just a bit of information and something to keep in mind: a double post is someone posting twice in a row, so not posting the same thing twice. Posting the same thing twice happens quite a lot actually and it has to do with all sorts of stuff, but that isn't frowned upon because it just is a mistake.

    But you really should just edit your posts, and to make clear that you edited your post you should just put "Edit:" before it.
    And dude, seriosly, relax. Going all postal like that really doen't earn you friends on the forum.

    Edit: And @Lecic is right. The moderators really don't like double posting. We just want to be helpful by pointing out that you can edit your post so the forum moderators don't have to tell you themself.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Yeah... Like I say. Not an idiot. I know what a double post is and I DID NOT DO THAT! Don't know what the hell you're talking about but I'm looking at the thread right now and there is NO double post. Don't blame me for something I did not do, or for forum glitches that I did not cause.

    If I were you I would think twice before talking to people as if they were born yesterday... yet you still seem to feel the need to explain to me things I have known for years. Again... not an idiot and not new to the internet here... try and actually focus and keep that in mind so I don't have to repeat myself.

    In any case, I come back to the game, make one post on the new forum and all you guys can do it nit pick some crap I didn't even do. YOUR post also doubled and now it's gone so obviously it's a forum bug. I will remind you guys again that you literally derailed my thread for what you perceived was a violation I did not commit... itself a violation. Hypocrisy is very annoying, especially since you all had to clutter up this thread with your petty nit picking. YOU ARE NOT A MODERATOR, so mind your own business and let them do their job.

    Neither of you have contributed to this discussion, which you both, in your self-assumed sense of authority and entitlement have sullied when you could have sent me a private message. I've been on the net since the beginning and more forums than I can even remember and I know smug when I see it. Next time keep your opinions in PMs rather than waste open forum space and killing my topic discussion.

    Two responses saying the same bullshit, accusing me of something I didn't do and Lecic only mentioned the idea as an afterthought but his priority, like yours, was your bullshit accusation.

    Sick and tired of you internet etiquette police thinking you can tell everyone what to do... jumping all over the most trivial of things, that by the way are none of your concern, while I'm trying to enjoy some discussion of ideas in a game I enjoy.

    How bout you guys post when you have something useful to say? You're the kind of jerks who call the cops on someone for no other reason than because you "think" they're doing something wrong, but don't actually investigate at all.

    Do you seriously have absolutely no clue whatsoever as to how freaking condescending you sound? You're not even reading my posts, you just assume. Yes, I know to write [edit] in a post. I've posted thousands of posts in many, many forums over the years so quit trying to educate someone who already knows.

    Jeez!! You guys are some real pieces of work, aint ya... don't think, don't listen, don't learn. This community has turned to utter trash.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Moderators, please delete this thread and my account. I can't even make one post in this hostile, judgmental environment and if you all think my second post was so inappropriate as to warrant a reprimand, then clearly this is not a forum conducive to meaningful discussion. I have no desire to take part in a community that practices such pettiness. My second post was intended to be separate so that the numerical permalink (You know that #2 thing at the bottom, yeah, guess I know a thing or two about how forums work, huh) could go strait to my related idea without people having to scan through the long OP to find that separate idea... so much for logic I suppose.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Problem is, you never did in the first place. Rather, you assumed and condescended.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    First off, I like the idea. I'm not sure if the 2nd part can be implemented though.

    This escalated way too quickly.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Calm down @AlienPet13.
    Try to see Funny's and Lecic's posts as a hint given to you.
    The first one I saw to be angry was you - do you really want to ruin your own thread like that?


    I think it would be nice to have elevator-stops with plates like in super-mario
    you can jump through them only one-way
    duck let you fall through in the other direction​

    convenor-belts could have parts above which you move slow and parts above which you move fast
    Fast parts are good for fast travelling, slow parts to give players time to enter/exit.
    They could be only one-way (optionally: direction switch-able by logic) to avoid collisions between players.
    They could have wedges and vertical parts or parts which turn you left/right-around a vertical block so you could access other levels.​

    I guess it would make a lot of fun (especially if it can be used for cores too (moveable parts, pistons)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Jeez. I didn't mean to start a 10 paragraph fire storm.

    In these forums, double posting is making two posts in a row, when you could have just edited the second one into the first post. (It's also posting the same thing twice, but that isn't what we're talking about here.) Unless someone has commented after your post, you should just edit the next thing you wrote into the first.