Read by Council Simple Change to help with Logic connections


    May 24, 2015
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    What about a (slightly) different system for connecting and configuring logic?

    Instead of "C" and "V"... we use "S" for Select, "I" for Input, and "O" for Output

    Instead of the selected block being highlighted in Orange, and the outputs being highlighted in Purple...
    Selected block is highlighted in Green, Inputs are highlighted in Yellow, and Outputs are highlighted in Blue

    And how about instead of having to hold down "F8" to see only logic. It should be toggle-able instead, and maybe there should be some kind of 3D grid as well to help us keep our bearings. (I'm picturing a very faint grey cube grid. Similar to the galaxy map)

    I think that these simple changes will greatly improve our ability to configure and troubleshoot logic in our systems.

    Thanks :)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I'm not sure about changing the default key-binds (S and I are already used) but a way to assign a block as master instead of just slave would be great as well as highlighting the masters as well. I know both are desired features, I'll have to dig around to see if there are any other suggestions for them.
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    Reactions: alterintel
    Jan 25, 2015
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    alterintel This idea doesn't quite work.
    There are multiple reasons why:
    1: Everyone will have to learn the new keybindings which means that many will be more than annoyed by changing it as they need to relearn the speed tricks.
    2: The position "i" and "o" are only usable by moving your hand away from the standard place (which means either no mouse or no WASD at the same time).
    3: As Sven said, many of the keys are already bound to a different function.
    4: The weapon system also uses C and V meaning you would need to learn 2 tactics.

    As for selecting an output and assigning inputs, totally agree with this and in my term as councilor I have mentioned it multiple times.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Add additional options for creating a master as opposed to only working in one direction, but don't change basic keybindings.


    May 24, 2015
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    a way to assign a block as master instead of just slave would be great as well as highlighting the masters as well. I know both are desired features, I'll have to dig around to see if there are any other suggestions for them.
    Thanks for seeing the big picture of the idea instead of just dismissing it because of a small detail like which keys to bind.
    I look forward to seeing what other posts have similar ideas. Maybe one of those will "work"?

    Thanks Sven :)