Signal Computer, Transmitter, Enhancer, Receiver : StarMade equivalent of Redstone

    Sep 22, 2013
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    Yes, I've noticed that several threads have already suggested this, but in this case my suggestion is different altogether.

    My suggestion is all about these four blocks, the Signal Computer, Signal Transmitter, Signal Enhancer, and Signal Receiver. Let's break it down on what each does.

    Signal Computer : Pretty much all the computers control something, and this one also does the same thing as well ; control the Signal Transmitter. Once placed, it will act the same as the other computers, which is going to be on the Weapons tab as well. However, the similarity ends there. This is the so-called Lever in terms of Minecraft. Click once, and it activates, click again and it deactivates.

    Signal Transmitter : This is a block that transmits signals to a large area, which is increased by the Signal Enhancer. Signal you ask? The signal is actually a channel, which is specified by you. Once you place this block, you are promted to type a specific channel. The channel can range from 1 to 10000. The higher the channel, the lesser the range of the transmitter, and the more power it requires. Why? You'll find out soon.

    Signal Enhancer : Think of this as a satellite dish, or pretty much a similarity to the enhancer blocks in the game. However, it acts just the same as tanks ; the more you connect one to each other, the more range your transmitters have. Yes, it affects all your transmitters, not just one.

    Signal Receiver : Now this block changes everything. As you place this block, you'll be promted again to what channel it should receive. Once done, it detects any transmitter that transmits a specified channel, which is activated from the Signal Computer. The problem is, if the receiver gets two signals of the same channel, it is then confused and gets deactivated.

    Then what?

    Well, here's the good part ; any computer next to the Signal Receiver gets activated as well. It can also activate factories (still new in the game, I have no idea how this works.), doors, etc..

    What does that mean?

    You can basically control multiple computers in one activation of the Signal Computer. How? For example, put a Weapons Computer and a SD-BB Missle Computer next to the Signal Receiver, and bam, the weapons connected to the computers fire together.

    How does it change the game?

    Think about it. You'll have more control of your ship. Fire waves of weapons upon one click, activate and deactivate turrets and drones(Putting the Signal Receiver next to the Bobby AI Computer), open and close doors upon your whim, build a huge cannon of AMCs because you can alternate the AMCs next to each other with different weapon computers, which is connected to one signal receiver. But guess what, there's more!

    Here comes the Hack Ships (New classification)! Because the signal is transmitted through channels, it means ANYONE can access your systems AS LONG AS they know what channel you used. Hack ships will be able to do this by simply transmitting multiple signals with different channels in it. By doing so, they'll be able to disable your weapon systems if they get close to you.

    However, there's a catch ; The higher channels. Because the higher channel means lesser range and more power, large ships who can utilizes them will be unhackable by Hack Ships on long distances.

    Hack Ships basically interfere with others not by damaging, but by disabling the enemy. They may use power drains so that larger ships will be unable to use the higher channels, and may resort to manual usage.

    Hack Ships however, cannot interfere with ships who uses the other computers directly, only ships who utilizes the signal receivers will be affected.

    Threads similar to this one :

    I won't be however discussing technical / statistic terms, as I'm still a week old from the game. However, I'm pretty much loving the game, and would love to suggest more if I can think of more.

    What do you guys think?
    Jun 27, 2013
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    It\'s a great idea, especially regarding drone fleets for capital ship support, but if range decreases with signal height, and power consumption decreases as the frequency is lower, there are issues, especially when you fly large ships.

    Say you have a base with automated fleets protecting it, as well as enough turrets to make anything below 100 blocks long beg for mercy. What\'s to stop a supercapital strolling in and disabling everything using the signals, if it has the power generation to do so?
    Sep 22, 2013
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    As I said earlier, the higher the channel/frequency, the lesser the range. If your base is utilizing a high channel/frequency signal, it means that the enemy ship must utilize an even higher signal range with the same channel to disable the turrets in a relatively safe range. If what you\'re saying means that the ship is so huge that it can power MULTIPLE transmitters with HIGH channels.. Well, I\'m still new to the game so I have no idea how ships can be..

    Also, it only works IF the turrets are equipped with the signal receiver. If the turrets are just pre-aimed to kill any enemy in sight, it won\'t be affected.

    If we add a statistic to the block, like..

    Channels 1-10 : 1 power block

    Channels 11-100 : 10 power block

    Channels 101-1000 : 100 power blocks

    Channels 1001-10000 : 1000 power blocks

    If you were to transmit channels 1001-10000, it would take 10,000,000 to power it, EXCLUDING the range it has. Sorry, I don\'t have any idea how power consumption works around here.
    Sep 22, 2013
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    Is it really a bad idea that no one even bothered commenting on it? I\'d like to ask for some opinion at the very least..
    Sep 22, 2013
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    Yep, because it\'s similar to the other computers, but it\'s a toggle ; only on/off, similar to a lever in Minecraft.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Wouldn\'t it be great to have these things on a key binding, so when you press a certain key it puts all turrets online (Defcon 1 button?) or fires every weapon on the ship (Doomsday weapon?).

    Also, could this be used to control plexdoors (window sheilds, hangar bays, pop-up armour plating)?
    Sep 22, 2013
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    It\'s like a keybinding yeah, because instead of switching from one weapons computer to another, you can simply use the block to control the two computers together, and trigger it like you\'ve clicked the two computers at once.

    Yes, it can control plex doors, lights, etc.. but no pop up armor.

    I\'m going to make a different version of this, but it will become a singular block because I think this is too much for the devs to implement. (Channels, signal range and whatnot). I\'ll add some sample images and even a texture block for it, just wait a little bit.