Fighters are pretty fun to build i think, cause you have to balance the size and tech more finelly , you cant just add a giant thruster block if you find that it dont go fast enough :d
anyway here is my personnal heavy fighter. (she have a mass of 76 :d ) I tend to make them a bit heavier because i dont like being thrown out in space when i leave my ship , so i keep a 3*3*3 box of free space near the core, it put you in it, effectively staying in your ship before you use the door :d
forgot to derp the stats =>
mass 76.6
lenght 23m
height 6m
width 24m
power 6754 e/sec
shield: 11240 (648e/sec)
weapons: 6x AMG 115 25%base damage
Yes, no windows and only black hull , but there are sensors ! è_é
It\'s inspired from some stealth bomber ^^
album here: http://imgur.com/a/6BiKo#0
aaand also other albums of some (mainly pirates :d ) fighters here: http://erymanth.imgur.com/
details on this post =>http://star-made.org/content/pirates-and-science-ships
also here is a tiny bonus scout :