Should I buy this game or not? Help me decide.

    Mar 16, 2018
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    I like the idea of the game but I have a question or two to ask first.
    1. What does a crew do?
    2. Can you have multiple ships with some commanded by Ai?
    3. Can you start colonies and build an empire populated by NPCs?
    4. Why do you enjoy the game?
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    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    It bears repeating - the game is still free. You can download it on this site, or from steam, where the "demo" is in fact the full game.

    As for your questions,

    1. Not much, at the moment.
    2. Yes. You'll be interested in the fleet control system, which allows you to command an AI-piloted fleet to perform a variety of tasks.
    3. Not quite. There are NPC factions that maintain stations and fleets, but it's not too developed at the moment.
    Sep 14, 2017
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    It bears repeating - the game is still free. You can download it on this site, or from steam, where the "demo" is in fact the full game.

    As for your questions,

      • Not much, at the moment.
      • Yes. You'll be interested in the fleet control system, which allows you to command an AI-piloted fleet to perform a variety of tasks.
      • Not quite. There are NPC factions that maintain stations and fleets, but it's not too developed at the moment.
    lol, no #4.

    As per OP: Keep in mind that this is an open alpha game (not one of those highly polished, systems-complete games that hang onto alpha status to excuse what does not work.) You do not need to buy it to play; it is more of a donation thing at this point to help support the indie dev team. At times it has been very stable and fun despite missing features (wars, faction politics, esoteric metas, etc), and other times it has been so broken as to be almost unplayable.

    Why is it a game worth playing despite this? There are other similar games that let you build voxel spaceships, and some are more systems complete, but Starmade's game engine handles multiplayer way better than other similar games. For right now, a major update in January caused tons of stability issues in the current build of the game, so this may not be the easiest time to get into it, but it is still fun.


    Raging Troll
    Dec 29, 2014
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    1. What does a crew do?
    Not implemented and nobody knows, not even the devs.

    2. Can you have multiple ships with some commanded by Ai?
    Yes but you're better of getting a 2. computer and letting your dog play. They can't prioritize targets, aim their fire or even dock anywhere, so there's a hundred ways of rendering AI ships completely ineffective. The fleet system responsible for commands is a notorious train wreck and the ai can't adapt to anything at all, like power failure, so ships must be custom built for AI use so they dont have to many options.

    EDIT: Oh and they have no pathing so can't even fly around a planet but just keep bumping into it. And this is such a MINOR issue with the AI compared to everything else i completely forgot about it :D

    3. Can you start colonies and build an empire populated by NPCs?

    4. Why do you enjoy the game?
    I used to enjoy the ship design mechanics before they were patched out, but its been about a year now since last time i played. Now i just lurk on the forums watching the dwindling fanbase trying to reassure each other that everything is okay while they slowly fade away one by one, but even that's getting boring since they've purged the last bit of dissent on the forums.

    I like the idea of the game
    Are you sure about that, because the questions you've asked seems like you think this is a game about fleet combat and faction growth, which while common is completely wrong. Starmade is a game about interior decorating and roleplay, anything else is sure to get patched out eventually.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    I like the idea of the game but I have a question or two to ask first.
    1. What does a crew do?
    CURRENTLY: Glitch through your ships and be useless aside from shooting at players of enemy factions if they're ever floating around free near your NPC's for some reason.
    PLANNED: Enhance ship functionality, give a bit more life to the game overall, possibly automate some tasks aboard ships or provide better 'levels' of AI for non-player-piloted ships.
    2. Can you have multiple ships with some commanded by Ai?
    CURRENTLY: Yes, but they're of limited utility as the AI has all kinds of issues with basic functionality.
    PLANNED: There is an AI revamp coming at some point, which should help address these issues (also the devs will be more comfortable fixing the smaller bugs with AI when that happens, as at that point they wouldn't be doing work that will likely be un-done and overwritten)
    3. Can you start colonies and build an empire populated by NPCs?
    No. NPC AI and systems aren't properly built out yet. Some of the back-end framework exists, but there is still a lot of work to be done before everything's 'ready for showtime' so to speak.
    4. Why do you enjoy the game?
    Building, mostly. The game provides a creative outlet that a lot of other similar games don't. Also, the game they're building will appeal to me greatly, if it works out. I've always wanted a large-scale space sci-fi game that doesn't restrict you to being a spaceship (EvE, Elite: Dangerous for the most part) and allows you to really design your own hulls, and this looks to be that game, if they can get multiplayer working better, smooth out the current kinks, and build out at least some of the systems they plan to create.
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    Mar 16, 2018
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    CURRENTLY: Glitch through your ships and be useless aside from shooting at players of enemy factions if they're ever floating around free near your NPC's for some reason.
    PLANNED: Enhance ship functionality, give a bit more life to the game overall, possibly automate some tasks aboard ships or provide better 'levels' of AI for non-player-piloted ships.

    CURRENTLY: Yes, but they're of limited utility as the AI has all kinds of issues with basic functionality.
    PLANNED: There is an AI revamp coming at some point, which should help address these issues (also the devs will be more comfortable fixing the smaller bugs with AI when that happens, as at that point they wouldn't be doing work that will likely be un-done and overwritten)

    No. NPC AI and systems aren't properly built out yet. Some of the back-end framework exists, but there is still a lot of work to be done before everything's 'ready for showtime' so to speak.

    Building, mostly. The game provides a creative outlet that a lot of other similar games don't. Also, the game they're building will appeal to me greatly, if it works out. I've always wanted a large-scale space sci-fi game that doesn't restrict you to being a spaceship (EvE, Elite: Dangerous for the most part) and allows you to really design your own hulls, and this looks to be that game, if they can get multiplayer working better, smooth out the current kinks, and build out at least some of the systems they plan to create.
    Thanks. It helps a lot to know where the game is at and where they plan to be
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    Jul 15, 2013
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    I like the idea of the game but I have a question or two to ask first.
    1. What does a crew do?
    2. Can you have multiple ships with some commanded by Ai?
    3. Can you start colonies and build an empire populated by NPCs?
    4. Why do you enjoy the game?
    1. Nothing

    2. You can somehow fleet drones together and give them orders like go at X sector. As far as I know they're less effective in combat that just a ship standing by with AI. They're prone to failure like doing nothing or just turning around, etc (that might be defects that standalone AI shares that I'm not aware of). they're not able to hold a pattern through turns or something like that. And they need to be loaded for any combat to happen (or anything else to happen to them. They can go through stars when unloaded).

    3. You can make really big and detailed stations or planets and place immobile NPC that all have the same skins. I managed to give some of them a special speech by assigning them a script (that's mostly for self jerking. Like guard: Halt where do you go? and you need to be admin to do that) and there's a script command to spawn a new NPC for money or for free. You can animate it around using logic, gravity and rails.

    For example, I did doors that made you switch your gravity around from floor to ceiling, and you are walking on the belly side of your ship and there's longchairs. My biggest shared logic/rails project was an actual metro system inside a titan ship which was mostly a RP shell and a carrier. It has many train stations inside it and the plan was doing a logic chip that allows the trains to go forward on the road, unless the road block was in use by another train, and ultimately the logic was going to send you a train to any destination from any station. We ultimately lost interest in this since it was pure autism =( but that's the kind of beauty that is possible in this game, if you put a lot of time into it. Crew that would do tasks like in dwarf fortress would be impossible to scale on a server level, and if done anyway that would add to the already unbearable lag server and client side when destroying ships. Sometimes I wonder what goes around the head of the devs when they put stuff like that on planned.

    4. I used to enjoy the game but the devs decided instead of improving it they had to start the basics all over again. They introduced systems with less depth than before, and all kinds of exploits like build ugly system cubes for best integrity score. And really, nothing's functional right now. Not turrets, not guided missiles, not NPC faction (disable that), not shields.

    But what they have to push for at this time is new types and balance for weapons? really. They just did that 2 or maybe 3 years ago. That was nice and it's never been finished for some reason. But geez why restarting that again and announcing it with something as shallow as "we decide to give cannons free explosive effect on top of punchtrought like we did previously" and "it's going to be all clear and nice in 2 weeks" while saying nothing about all weapon's range and projectile speed being tied to sector size. I'd like to know if they're planning to change it or why it's good to have it this way. Because sector size is really server dependent and changes a lot the behavior of the weapons.

    I'm sorry if it's hard to understand for someone who just joined. The current state of the game is super shaky. The good thing of it is you can play the full game for free, so really don't buy it before it becomes funny for you.


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    1. Nothing
    2. Yes but it doesn't work properly
    3. No
    4. I used to enjoy the game

    I would not recommend buying the game. There are simply better alternatives. If none of those tickle your fancy, hold off for at least a year and then come back and see what state Starmade is in.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    hold off for at least a year and then come back and see what state Starmade is in.
    Agreed... or at least, play the game for a while first, watch where the development is going, and then decide whether or not you want to buy it. Remember, the full game is free until beta or so. The 'Demo' on Steam - or downloading through the web site - is actually the same as buying the game.
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    Jun 11, 2016
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    4. Why do you enjoy the game?
    Because I see it as a Minecraft clone where I can working moving entities. Contrary to Minecraft's pistons I really can move stuff in this game. And this gives buildings a whole new dimension. Build a pirate ship in Minecraft? No not cool. Build a pirateship in Starmade? Woooow it not only can move, it also can have guns I designed and additonally it needs to have power and shields laid out correctly. I get a shoot right into the middle of the ship? Ok I am actually dead. I get a shoot right into the ship that I build in Minecraft...nothing happens. :)
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Lol @ the responses here.
    You can play SM for free atm, at least until a full release.
    Thus I brought SM because I liked the direction the game was going in and had faith in the devs to fufill their vision.

    The main reason I enjoy Star Made is the sheer creative freedom, which no other platform has been able to provide.
    You can build anything, at any scale & have it operate just like you want.

    The recent power overhual has been quite rockey due to a lack of communication, however seems to have improved and be moving in the right direction.

    I would advise reading the news posts and playing the game to get an idea of what it is, and what it wants to be before purchasing.
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    Feb 12, 2015
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    I used to enjoy the ship design mechanics before they were patched out, but its been about a year now since last time i played. Now i just lurk on the forums watching the dwindling fanbase trying to reassure each other that everything is okay while they slowly fade away one by one, but even that's getting boring since they've purged the last bit of dissent on the forums.
    Letting the players force game changing effects to be flippantly implemented into the game (Im looking at you power system) was the death note, in my opinion. Good bye Starmade!

    Oh, and to the OP. No, don't spend money on the game. Play for free, if at all.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Its something youll want to play for a while before you deckde whether or not to buy it. Ive been playing on and off* for years, and just bought it this week. Im confident the devs will improve it further, its already come a long way from what it used to be.

    But keep in mind that it IS in alpha and most feathres have bugs or arent implemented fully or even at all. Its not one of those alpha games that is secretly finished, either

    *(mostly due to real life and hardware issues kicking my face in on a regular basis because im apparently inviting bad karma by wanting for nice things like stable housing with electricity and a computer that fucking runs)
    Jan 4, 2015
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    stay away for now. recent unfinished update was released and broke most of the games features. check back in a year and see if the rework is finished. if so, yeah why not.
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    Jun 14, 2017
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    You can create "colonies" and "empires" populated by npcs but they wouldn't do anything much (or anything at all). Currently there are a lot of bugs associated with them. If you want to you can buy an npc at an advanced shop for somewhere around 50,000 credits but it will be very difficult to transport one to some place. I once tried that twice but the npc always phased through the ship it was aligned with and ended up unrendered and unrecoverable a few kilometers behind. You can also use admin commands to spawn in a few wherever you want where provided you have access to those commands. I'm not sure what will happen to npcs on a station if you leave the sector unloaded for a while though.

    The reason I enjoy the game is the sandbox and infinite universe aspect and the fact that the game is still in development and I can see what happens. Also finding random stars and throwing stuff into them is fun even though nothing really happens.
    Feb 21, 2015
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    oh, just buy it and support further Development - at worst it is hardly the biggest spend... :)
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    Honestly over the years I have spent more money on much worse things. Compared to a AAA title that just released 6 months ago that I paid nine times the amount for doesn't deliver as much as Starmade does. Alpha is alpha though.
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    Sep 14, 2017
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    Honestly over the years I have spent more money on much worse things. Compared to a AAA title that just released 6 months ago that I paid nine times the amount for doesn't deliver as much as Starmade does. Alpha is alpha though.
    This is actually a good point on this level: If you can get past the bugs and initial learning curve, You will likely never get more bang for your buck from another game. This is the only game I can think of where players logging 1000-4000 hours of playtime before getting tired of the game and moving on seems normal.
    Jan 4, 2015
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    This is actually a good point on this level: If you can get past the bugs and initial learning curve, You will likely never get more bang for your buck from another game. This is the only game I can think of where players logging 1000-4000 hours of playtime before getting tired of the game and moving on seems normal.
    i got way more than my moneys worth from the old game. the new game is not in a position to offer that kind of depth yet.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Starmade's been a hell of a ride through the five or so years I've played it pretty much daily.

    It's kinda going to shit now though and a lot of people are leaving. Damn shame.