Short-term AMC balance with NO NEW CODING REQUIRED.

    Oct 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    There is another thread on this forum that gives great ideas on how to balance AMC cannons, but I believe that some of the ideas proposed in that thread will require a change of the current damage model/system. I propose a AMC balance system that only requires changing some of the current, already existing mechanics in the game, and hopefully allowing implementation of this idea with minimal time investment.

    Step 1: DPS scales linearly with # of linked AMC weapons.

    Step 2: Larger AMC guns have larger range, and a slower rate of fire than smaller AMC guns.

    Step 3: Power cost/second scales linearly with # of linked AMC weapons.

    Step 4: Shields will not regen until 10 consecutive seconds of no damage.

    Step 5: Greatly increase shield power.

    Consequences of these changes:

    There is now no reason to have "shotgun" AMC arrays, reducing server lag.

    Smaller AMC guns have a higher rate of fire and are more forgiving of missed shots, and also do not "waste" damage due to only destroying up to 1 block per shot. They require short range combat to be effective, meaning that smaller, more agile ships can close the distance more effectively and bring their hull-killing dps into battle faster than a slow large ship with many turrets carrying small guns are now an effective combat option.

    Larger AMC guns have much larger range than small ones, but a much lower rate of fire which causes missed shots to matter. The equivalent dps and slower rate of fire result in greatly increased damage per shot, resulting in an "alpha strike" phenomenon where you could completely strip an enemies shields with a single well placed shot at the start of battle. Large ships with large guns would be very effective at destroying shields at long range, yet the low rate of fire combined with the slow turning mean that they are very poor at dealing structural damage to the enemy ship once the shields are down. This requires the large ship to mount turrets with smaller weapons to deal effective hull damage, requiring that the larger ship get close to the target. The end result is that large guns can devastate shields at long range, yet can not actually deal hull damage or kill targets, requiring short range combat to "finish" off a target.

    Shields acting as a "damage buffer" instead of a "damage regen" allow smaller ships to actually matter, and combined with a large increase in the power of shields mean that battles can now actually last several minutes instead of the 20 second large ship vs large ship battles we have now. This of course will upset people who want a large ship to be invulnerable to anything but a similarly sized ship. Those people should realize that if larger ships are just immune to small ones, then the only ships that are worth flying are large ones, meaning that "he who has more resources and free time will always win, no skill or ship design involved".

    This change can be implemented very easily and quickly, and requires no "shots go through blocks if they have enough damage" or "shots are now wide" coding.

    What do you think?
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    1st of all, i don\'t like step 4 because if you\'re a fleet of small ships that spams amc on a titan that has his turrets down on one side of the ship, you\'re basically dead (except if you make more shield power of a proportional mass/shield blocks thingy)

    Second: Bigger ships have bigger AMC and because of that, it turns slowly, so why a big F*****g ship that turns slowly should be a sniper?
    Oct 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    1: if you are in a big ship by yourself and a group of several people cordinate to kill you, you should die.

    2: big ships would snipe the shileds off of other big ships. small ships don\'t have enough shield to require a large AMC to get through them. Big ships should not be better in every posible way to smaller ships.
    Sep 8, 2013
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    I don\'t like it because it limits creativity and design, and makes large AMC\'s situational.

    When you have one type of weapon be situational(Large AMC) vs another that\'s versatile(Small AMC) the versatile option is likely going to not only win out, but also be the defacto popular choice.

    It makes big AMC array\'s very bad after the shields are down, and then it limits you by design because you essentially \'have\' to build smaller arrays of AMC\'s and then forces you to move in closer.

    I don\'t think that\'s okay, if I want to build a ship that\'s capable of destroying other ships at long range, I can\'t do that in your proposal.

    The thread that encourages a change in the damage system is a good thread not only because it balances AMC\'s better, but also because it actually opens up MORE diversity and potential in design and creativity.

    The game is still in Alpha, so changing the code or adding new code isn\'t beyond it yet. We shouldn\'t worry about how feasible changing code is yet, because we still have a long way to go. Once we\'re in Beta, then the suggestions will be better off considering quick and easy fixes with existing code, but right now Schema is still cooking up new stuff.
    Aug 17, 2013
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    Adding, torpedos, which would be homing disintegrator blocks that can penetrate shields could balance the distance and fight gigantism because it gives small cheap ships an effective weapon against, large expensive ones. Just like in the old battleship fights early modern naval warfare before aircraft carriers. Small torpedo boats took down large battleships.