Shop types

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Would be interesting to see different types of shop, that is to say shops that sell specific items. For example, shops that sell weapons and weapon computers, shops that sell factory parts, all-purpose shops that sell basic items (thrusters and power modules). All shops should sell cores. Perhaps some shops could be down on planets so players have to land to buy items.

    -The shop at spawn should be a basic shop that sells items like thrusters, power modules, salvage cannons and antimatter cannons to get new players started. This would encourage players to spread out rather than have dozens of ships crowded around the spawn area

    -Perhaps shops should also be rarer, so that shops have tactical value in faction conflicts, or they can act as bait for player-pirates to use.

    -A system could perhaps be implemented wherein a faction can tax a shop, giving a faction a steady stream of resources (assuming that the shop is regularly used by other players).

    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I was kidna sceptical when i read the title and first part, but i do agree it would force players to spread out into the seperate sectors, maybe even having groups of players scartered in groups in deap space fighting fro controll of shops. would deffinitly add a great element to the game.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Shops currently act more like trade centers than stores, since you can buy and sell and supply and demand affects prices. It would be interesting if shops became a resource and a faction could \"controll\" a sector and its shop. They get to tax a shop and the faction could get resources and credits that way. It would be interesting to see two opposing factions not only fighting for military supperiority but also to dominate a server\'s economy.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I was thinking about how a faction could control a shop. Taxing is a great idea. It isn\'t overly intrusive, and it adds a competitive element to the game besides an arbritrary declaration of war. Shall add to the original post.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Exactly and factions wouldn\'t be able to set a tax rate, it could be fixed across the server, but they get a percentage of the income from that shop. That way a faction that gets a really good shop wouldn\'t be able to completely dominate the server. The only thing that would affect item prices is the usual supply and demand. This way, a faction could distribute resources across its shops to control the pricing. The next thing you know, factions will have dedicated trade ships and we\'ll be seeing established trade routes on servers and the need to defend them from pirates and hostile factions.


    Or add a server option to allow factions to set tax rates for more serious non-troll servers :p
    Jan 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Less of shops that only sell a specific type of item, honestly, would be stupid. It would worsen the already horible problem of going to 7 different shops to get the items for a super cruiser, forcing you into now having to got to 13 would be rediculous. Im not trying to be an asshole, that\'s not my life goal *gasp*, but what if you were on a half bown up wreck bearly hobleing through space, see a shop marker and arive to find their having a stock-take sale on factory parts and thats all their selling. Fixes one problem, worsens another.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Shops would be labelled \"Weapons shop\" \"Basic shop\" \"Factory shop\" etc. They\'d also look different. Would prevent players from arriving at a shop only to find that it sells nothing that they want.

    Also I very much like the idea of trade routes. As you say, it\'s really more for the serious servers, but that could be really interesting for pirates and the like.


    Or,as Arclight says, viewing wares before you get to the shop. Either/or. or both.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I figured this suggestion could be its own thread:

    as the title says, allow players to see a shop\'s wares from the navigation window when targeting the shop.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    all shops need to sell basic wares, basic shops should not be a type of shop

    specialty shops should contain items pertaining to the type of shop that they are in addition to all basic items such as cores, energy modules, lazers, engines, etc.

    this way MindSpark\'s \"conundrum\" could not occur.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Sorry, I supposed I poorly phrased my original idea. All shops would have the very most basic items (cores, thrusters, power modules) some some shops only have those. Perhaps those are more common than the other shop variants and act more as places to sell items than to buy them.

    Would be interesting to see a dynamic economy system. Sounds complicated, however, and i doubt that it could be implemented for quite some time.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Idea 1:

    • Some item are easier to produce in the lower-X/upper-X / lowerY/upperY / lowerZ/upperZ sectors. But would currently be nonsense with infinite inventory.

      Inventory needs to be inf for astronaut-mode and else ship.tempMass = ship.mass + inv.mass (slower movement) or trading would be too easy between - and + sectors.

      We could have cargo blocks. 1 block increases inventory by 1..10 (a server setting?) while in ship mode, but some basic capacity for core. PlexStores could be a cargo block. We have shop and factory+input modules for item-storage in stations.

    Idea 2:

    • For spawn, there could be some sort of backup. It gives you 100 credits every 10 seconds for the first visitor which clicks a button. It sells only one of unlimited core, salavage, power and thrust items every minute so that newbes aren\'t lost and advanced players can\'t exploit it.

    Idea 3:

    • I\'d like shops which only sell or only buy items. Though there needs a big warning sign that you can\'t undo your action.

      maybe an undo button for just the last action for some short time - delayed update for other players aswell, so nobody can get it during that time ... dunno

    Idea 4:

    • Let every sector (for each player) only produce and sell 2 different items and buy or use 5 other different items.
    • That is enough for 1-2 recipies to work.
    • Each shop may have a maximum ammount of stock (item.cost-based, not numberOfItems-based) depending on how many factory inputs and PlexStores (factory outputs) you have. Factories can only hold the recipie - maybe recipies ARE factories?
    • Only NPC shops sell unlimited cores, power and thrusters, but with the spawn-backup from idea 2.