Shipyards & Bobbys

    Jan 31, 2015
    Reaction score
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    When scrapping a ship to a design, the states of BobbyAI mods are not recorded. So when you spawn a ship from design, you have to manually re-program and active all of it's turrets. Same for docked drones on carriers and such.

    I suggest that solving this issue is more than simply a turret & fighter issue.

    It may not be best resolve by simply fixing the shipyard to record and reproduce AI states on designs. It may be worth approaching the solution from a perspective of allowing players to customize the states of Bobby's either within the design meta-item itself or in the shipyard once the design is "loaded."

    Reason being, this would not only solve the current deficiency with shipyards handling turrets and fighters, it would permit a station manager to use his/her shipyard to spawn larger drone ships in an AI-on state - something that could be very valuable in the case a station is under attack. The equivalent of scrambling defense ships.

    "But station turrets." I know.

    The difference is that giant station turrets add to performance load at the station all the time because they always docked to the station - even when things are peaceful. A giant stockpile of resources and several large drones for spawning would keep a station fairly streamlined, only demanding additional resources when actually needed.

    Just a suggestion.

    (BTW, this would be a very legitimate defense if the shipyard were able to respond to combat status the way turrets do by automatically spawning approved designs in AI-active state, by the way. Your stations could essentially spawn waves of response drones based on stockpiled resources.)