Ship stuck in station and pirates attacking

    Jul 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I headed to a station to test out some new weapons but upon arrival the blocks of the station failed to render and I collided with invisible blocks. I restarted the game as this has fixed the issue for me in the past but found that the ship was stuck in the walls of the hangar. As I was digging it out, pirates began to attack and I had no way to attack them. Is there some way to disable the pirate AIs? I may be able to get into the ship, save it and load it at another stage, but it will probably suffer some damage. The other alternative I have investigated is spawning another ship and luring the pirates away or taking them on. Any other options would, however, be appreciated.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Assuming this is happening on singleplayer;

    • If you can get into your ship, get in and enter the following command: \"/change_sector 1 2 3\" or any three numbers you want there to teleport you and your ship to another sector.
    • If you cannot get into your ship, buy the design again from the catalog; Assuming you saved it before you tried any of this stuff, of course.
    • If you cannot get into your ship immediately but need to remove the pirates ASAP, use the following command: \"/despawn_all MOB_ all true\"

    Assuming this is happening on multiplayer;

    • Call for an admins help; If the server you are on is well-cared for, there should usually be an admin on to help you get your ship out; that\'s assuming of course the server admins are permitted to do such by the host.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thanks guys, I will try these. Unfortunately destroying the ships is difficult as I have saved no blueprints. I have tried using the Isanth-VI, but the fact that the pirates have these makes it one against ten. The latter option(s) should be viable if I\'m quick.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    I have saved no blueprints.

    In the future, remember to ALWAYS save your work before you do anything potentially risky or dangerous with the ship. This is an easy-to-avoid problem if you play it smart and don\'t forget to save often.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I used the \"/destroy_entity\" command to remove the pirates and then teleported my ship to a different sector. The \"/despawn_all MOB_ all true\" command had no effect and only gave me an error message.