Ship Pressurization and Chair-ish control panels

    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    When a whole get's blasted in your hull any players aboard the ship that are not using a computer or ship core or anything should be sucked out of any nearby holes, like actually happens in space. This would allow for so many amazing role playing oppurtunities, especially if you added "loose" blocks like crates instead of plexstorage that needed to be tied down, and could also be sucked out. Obviously this could be countered by plexdoors closing, possibly by a hot key that you can add when you build your ships. For instance "j" will close all plexdoors at a time.

    I would also like to bring up that whenever I hear "Hop into the ship core" I think of the power, in other words the most radioactive part of your vessel. Perhaps they should be retextured and renamed to some kind of control panel... and it shold be animated as your character sitting behind it... Oh and if you are reading this please support Chizilu here: