Ship Pannels And New Weapon Idea

    Jun 30, 2013
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    So many people like to make light ships and also stealth ships. There is always one problem with said ships, exposed components. shure sometimes open antimatter cannons can look nice but really I don't think that many people might like alot of generators of any type out in the open and stealth ships are just too easy to kill. even just one little sliver of hull can save you. That sliver is my preposel. a simple pannel of hardened hull can save you from death and make your ship at least a little harder to kill. It would look something like a minecraft rug but made of metal. this can also give people a chance to put designs on ships without needing to edit the ship's main hull. I'd say a regular hull have about 50 health and stop 1/5 the damage. then the hardened has 100 health and stops about the same ammount of damage. The mass could also be smaller which is what needs to already be done for corners and wedges. the wedges should be 0.05 mass, the wedges the same, and the pannels can be 0.01 mass. This can be wonderful for giving looks to stealth ships as well as at least SOME defence without needing alot of mass.

    I also thought of a new weapon. It is basically a lazer that heats up ships. This would have a sun like effect and the hull can save said heat until it *melts* (gets destroyed). durring this grace period between heated destruction the hull can start a chain reaction by heating up other hulls and materials. If the hull isnt heated anymore it will slowly cool and a cooling system could be made for the ships. This lazer could easily start chain reactions so that a computer or something can be hit. this can also lead to things like heat resistant hull (good for the sun) and a way to fight ships with large layers of hull as some blocks are more resistant to heat than others so if hardened hull can resist better than power generators and you want to damage a ship you could easily cause damage to the power regen and shields without needing to blow through large sums of hull that could waste time, energy, and your chance to destroy the ship.