Ship boarding after the hp update

    Dec 23, 2013
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    The hp system is only an update away, and it brings with it the biggest incentive for people to board, ship capture. Currently capturing ships is easy, destroy the core, capture what's left, but after the HP update destroying the ship means destroying blocks. The ship you capture might not even be considered a ship.

    That's where boarding comes in. What do you need? A power sapping weapon capable of completely disabling the enemy ship, which are already in the game. And some sort of mechanic that allows astronauts commandeer a ship's core at short range. It really is a no brainer.


    Befriender of Worlds
    Dec 23, 2014
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    He's got a point, ship commandeering/hijacking is always something I've wanted to see in the game, it was present in a rudimentary form already but that went away when ship damage started being HP-based.

    Perhaps we can make it to where astronaut weapons (and ONLY astronaut weapons) can cause a core, build block, or computer to eject an astronaut from it by hitting it? Not kill them instantly, just force them out of the core and into astronaut mode. This would still give the astronaut in question a chance to fight back, so on top of everything it would encourage personal combat between the crew of a ship and the boarding crew.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    Boarding is not a mechanic that everyone might enjoy, and could actually be done rather well via the HP system. Server wants to encourage boarding? Lower the amount of damage you would need to do to overheat the ship and increase the reboot time. The pilot would be kicked out and would take a bit to reboot the ship. While the ship is rebooting, the power regen goes belly up, meaning that shields wont recover and turrets would stutter more, giving you more options to approach and pop a hole in the side.

    At the end of the day, no one wants the game to allow people to just take a ship without fighting. Getting a ship with minimal damage should be a skillful act involving the use of various weapons effects like Ion and EMP.
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