Ship bay shields

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    So the idea behind this is that a player with a huge ship may have large bays to hold smaller ships for friends or faction members but for a bay its just an open part of the ship say the larger ship where to get into battle and there smaller ships owners where offline or AFK the other ship could Easley fire inside the bay and hit the smaller ship with lesser shields and armor and they get damaged well with a bay shield it allows you to designate a area where your shield dispensers can cover but have their be no physical block so you can protect the smaller ships

    a second addition i think would be cool is if the shield would only let faction members ships in so you don't have bad guys getting in your shields and destroying you from inside

    tell me what you think should they be added or not and say why
    Jul 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think it would be wonderful since i have been building rather small cruisers that can hold 1 bigger ship. And have hated it when my friends jump me and i need to run down the hallway get in my ship while they open up the door with their docking beam and just bash my 1 fighter. i think that the more blocks you want to support the more say energy and say \"shield cores\" you need. so 1 core holding 50 blocks up would need another core touching it on 1 face to create a bigger capacity. etc.
    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    also along with the shields for the bay i was thinking of an Easter docking system. the system right now works yes but its a bit rough/edgy. so i was going to put this out there i think it would be cool if your ship that you are in can fly over to a docking modal and and instead of having you point at it of you get near enough a box pops up on the screen asking if you want to dock with a yes or no option box
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Use plex door. You can open/close it using the docking beam. Leave it open for show and closed during battle
    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    i dident know that but i still think it would be cool if you could use a shield instead of a huge disapering door it would be cool and i think it could have more useesand a shield is already implemanted so y buy a billon doors? o well if its not implamented then i wont complain but i still think it should be added