Shields, Armor and other such things.

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score

    With the recent nerf big ships will not only be easy pickings, but space stations (other than home bases) well, they will be cannon fodder.

    Did shields need the axe? Well yes they did, just not the axe they got.

    -Stations should not be affected by the current system, they should be almost impossible to kill, it should take 20 fighters to bring its shields down.

    -Large ships already have downfalls, now they are big floating loot pinatas.



    1 shield block should = x amount of shields punishable by y=amount of blocks, shields should loose effectiveness through ship mass requiring more shield blocks than before. Also shield blocks should count towards the Y. I know what your thinking, that people will just build floating 10x10x10 shield blocks, this is where thrusters and power comes into play. Thrusters are not being punished enough, power is arguable. Also there lacks a system for shields, right now 10x10x10 hunks of shields in the middle of your ship will do. Make builders spread those blocks out throughout the ship or it will loose effectiveness.


    Armor, bigger ships would use an armor block, call it reactive armor or whatever you like. Currently hardened hull and hull are really only noticeably separated by price and looks. Medium sized guns eat both, so hardened hull should be the only blocks affected by armor blocks. (this increases the amount of money needed for a larger ship). keep small ships away by making the armor block add more mass than any other block. add a cap to the amount of armor you can add and as with the above, make builders spread the blocks out, say 1 block only affects a 10x10x10 area. Once again thrusters would have to be punished with this system.


    Economy, its been brought up. The game is in alpha, there is no economy.

    The problem with the current system is that nobody will want to build a big ship unless its going to be a floating turret docking bay, its going to kill a huge part of this game. Alpha right I know.
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Post your suggestion in the relevant thread next time:
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score

    Your post is worthless, as is your thread, you bring no suggestions besides fix economy, the game is in alpha there is no economy. secondly, that thread is full of fails like you. This topic was to actually bring suggestions in the game, not bitch about your gigantic floating shield factory. Literally all you do is complain in your topic, thats why im not in there.


    I wanted to talk about other options, like armor or plating, not just whine about the shield nerf.

    Stop posting in my thread please.