Shields, Afterburner’s & engines, and other Smalltalk mixed in between…

    Aug 12, 2013
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    Shields, Afterburner’s & engines, and other Smalltalk mixed in between…

    That’s right people, another thread just for these subjects, we’ve seen a lot of these already and mine won’t be the last as well. Mine is only very detailed and one big wall of text, you have been warned.




    Well to get stated i want to talk about shields;

    The coming update involves a lot off new weapons and combinations, we also get a armor and shield balances to go with these.

    Now has come to my attention that a lot of these things are rather selfish in nature, none of the things that are coming up are there for support, and support only.

    My thought, why not add a second shield type, the ‘’bubble’’ shield.

    Now before people go all mad about it being ‘’Overpowered’’ and or ‘’useless’’ or plain ‘’butt ugly’’, i have some good points to make about this type of shield and ho wit would fit in within Starmade, also ‘’bubble’’ is just the name this kind of shield has, it does not necessarily mean it is ‘’sphere’’ or ‘’bubble’’ shaped.

    Currently we are used to the ‘’SD Shield Disperser’’, a personal shield of the ‘’skin’’ type, as the type implies it covers the users ship in a protective skin, but only the users ship, none of his or her nearby allies.

    The ‘’bubble’’ type, or ‘’SSD Support Shield Disperser’’, is a group shield, this shield covers the users ship and any other ship within range of the emitter, this shield is mostly used when ships inside the group have little or no shields, giving them a better or longer survivability. This shield type is also used on planetary base area or local space station defence.

    How this ‘’bubble’’ type works:

    This shield requires one emitter block to be placed on the users ship, base, or station. When the block is placed regular ‘’SD Shield Disperser’’ blocks have to be linked to this emitter block, the more blocks the bigger and stronger the shield becomes.

    However, due to physical implications and sci-fi huzza, this shield is 65% as effective as a “SD Shield disperser”, meaning that for every 100 points of shields you add, 65 points will be effective.

    the other 45% of energy is lost in projecting the ‘’bubble’’, which can only have a max range of 500 blocks in diameter, which is a radius of 250 blocks around the emitter respectively.

    Anything and any block within this range will be protected from harm, anything and any block outside this shield can be harmed, this also counts for parts of structures sticking out the ‘’bubble’’, this unless equipped with its own set of shields. this anything inside rule also counts for enemy vessels and objects, the ''bubble'' is merely a mid to long-range barrier.

    Overlapping shields has also been a point of discussion, will overlapping shields merge? Or will they remain the same, and what about incoming damage?. This is fairly simple to awnser, when shields overlap,, the shields will not merge but the shield which is the first to be hit in the line of fire will take the damage, kind of obvious isn’t it.

    Now the internal mechanics are out of the way we get to external mechanics, or easthetics;

    Noticeable in the discussions concerning the ‘’bubble’’ shields is its shape, what shape should it be, round? Square? Or rectangular?

    I would say rectangular/square, this is however depending on the shape and amount of ‘’SD Shield Dispersers’’ acting as enhancers, They would function exactly the same as docking modules. with the final and largest shape being a square of 500x500x500 which is enough of a medium to large fleet. The only difference with actual docking modules is that the shield is not physical and therefore you can build on and beyond the boundaries.

    Visually there is much booing and cussing going around for this shield will look ugly and detract from the game. I say, why would that be when the current shield is invisible as well, only to be briefly seen when shot at….

    Seeing the shields size would be the same as seeing docking area sizes when in advanced build mode.***

    ***Regarding these visible boundaries, they provide a lot of clutter while building in advanced build mode, therefore I propose, you can only see said boundaries of docking areas and shields of the object you are currently building on, and only when a checkbox is ticked so the visuals get enabled. This also helps the game strategically, not knowing ones enemys shield size, turrets, or docking amounts helps immersion, that’s were certain scanners should come in to be able to detect these.***




    Engines, without them you won’t go far, however people dislike the current system for it is completely block based ‘’block-to-thruster ratio’’ system, I’m perfectly fine with this however, the real problem is the blocks are to powerfull, tone them down to 1/3 or even 1/5 of their strength and ships become a lot more sluggish and will accelerate a great deal slower. If you still want a fast ship you either go small, go nuts on the engine size or use Afterburners to get you up to speed, Now before you start whining a booing, here’s where ‘’afterburners’’ come in and what they do.

    just like in real life jets they should decrease the acceleration time, however, Starmade’s ‘’aferburners’’ are ‘’special’’,

    Their ‘’special’’ are that they can be set to do either give boosts in acceleration or even deceleration while:

    1a.Rolling Sideways,

    1b.Rolling Up/Downwards,

    2a.Turning Sideways,

    2b.Turning Up/Downwards,

    3.Forward/Backward motion,

    4a.Strafing Sideways,

    4b.Strafing Up/Downwards,

    **These could when coding the game either be grouped according to number or all different settings.**

    However, here’s where the fun starts, before going mad and crazy about this being Overpowered, remind yourself that:

    =1= Having 1 engine block and 100 ‘’afterburners’’ is not going to do much and is not efficient since each afterburner block only adds a certain percentage % of boost and that only for a limited time. a max of 25% Boost increase is my suggestion, it sounds small but in numbers that can get quite big, also for every block added, efficiency per block decreases (to soft cap the amount of afterburners before 25% is reached, which is the hard cap, this to prevent fighters or other sizeable craft from going nuts)

    =2= They take in space, and therefore mass, making the ship heavier, (but not much) which burdens the available thrusters and decreases room for other subsytems such as weapons, shields, power or armor.

    =3= They require a small amount of energy to run this since they add energy to the thrusters to boost them in one way or the other which requires you to have enough energy when the boost is needed.




    Smalltalk, my head hurts right now and I think yours as well…

    Reserved for future use…
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Decreasing the power of engines doesn\'t solve anything, it\'ll just make all ships accelerate slower. Instead there should be hugely diminishing returns for acceleration, meaning that smaller ships are unaffected but larger ships will accelerate slower, though they\'ll be able to reach the same max speed.

    I quite like the idea of bubble shields, though. Would mean that the main ship could protect its turrets and anything else docked to it.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    yes the engines are a headbreaker, imho, the more you have of them the less effective they should become, this will do as you said, unalter small ships and affect big ones, but they need to be made slower as well... you reach max speeds and whatnot far to fast.

    the Afterburner is merely there to give a fun(ctional) boost to save your ass(ess) when needed... and to give some strategical elements to flying a ship, especially fighters will benefit from it.

    bubble shields, will also protect undocked things. as stated.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    My main problem with being able to protect turrets with the main shields, even at a largely reduced capability, makes it much harder for smaller ships to knock out turrets, which is one of their main tactical advantages in combat, the ability to take out a few turrets and be able to hide in a blind zone to wreck havok.

    Reducing engine returns, while it would screw over a large number of current ships, is for the best. Large ships should not be able to accelerate just as fast as smaller ships. So, you use afterburners. I think afterburners should probably have a large cool down period, around 90-160 seconds, depending on how you\'ve optimized them. This is to allow large ships to get a big burst of speed, but can\'t just drop in to an area, blow some stuff up, and burn their way out before the enemy can regroup and fight back.

    I\'m not going to get into an argument with a \"person being able to take out a battleship with a fighter they built in 5 minutes QQ im a huge baby\" person. When I say a fighter, I mean a well optimized, well built, and heavily armed fighter, not a 10 mass plinker.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    While I\'m building larger ships I personally have to sacrifice a lot of space to add thrusters to w able to be semi agile. Since I have at least a 1:1 thrust to mass ratio, I need a lot of power to be able to fire and fly at the same time. So what I am saying is that I feel thrusters are pretty well balanced and instead after burners should be for smaller ships to be able to get a quick speed boost and escape a larger battleship.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Like the idea of an afterburners. Numbers aside it could would work like a weapon sytem, where you have a computer conected to the boosters. It apears on the weapons tab, you click it and it gives you a boost in your speed. has a duration of so long (depending apon the number of blocks, and resests after a while.

    This would be cool for if you\'re out running a larger ship, or chasing another. Add a little something to races which are becoming more popular. Could really see ths used on block aid runners.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    fighters would just pop in and out of the bubble the big ship has, and with the new weapons update, turrets can be bombed at hi-speed, this is also where the afterburners come in handy, hit and run tactics ;)
    Aug 12, 2013
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    yes you could, besides these shields are far weaker and are generally there to protect local areas on ships or either a group of ships, so they are either easy to dodge break, or fly in and out...

    also big ships will still be prone to have super strength personal shields instead of a support shield. id worry about these more then the occasional turret bubble shield which is probably weak and only buys turrets some extra lifetime...
    Aug 12, 2013
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    information runners, and blockade runners would benefit.... as for races, they would pretty much be the stuff that they use in the Redline anime movie... :D


    Dec 31, 2013
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    can turrets not fire through your ships hull? you can build them inside a dom then. If they hit your shield too, it is about 50% efficiency currently.

    I don\'t like cooldown things. Maybe make them a lot worse in thrust per energy compared to thrusters, but more efficient in thrust per time. - big ships can\'t get power beyond 1\'000\'000 from more efficient grid shapes.


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    i think the shield dispersers should go and only have the bubble. but the bubble doesnt have any limitations. this way people can get inside the ships and damage it as the bubble is on the outside not the inside.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    there should be skin shields, just bubble shields do not make much sense as well as make things unbalanced.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Bubble shields would allow for \"shield ships\" that act act as a wall between you and the enemy. Great for escapes.

    I agree that thrusters should be slower but as BeefBacon said, there needs to be diminishing returns the more thrusters are added. Afterburners are nice as well. Specialized ships such as blockade runners, intercepters and scouts would appear.
    Dec 30, 2013
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    While I agree that this could be an interesting mechanic (regarding shields), and while I am a huge fan of Supreme Commander-type bubble shields, I do not think it can work under the current shield regeneration mechanics. Here\'s why:

    As we know shields currently regenerate insanely fast when not hit.

    If you have several different bubble shields in the same spot, as well as personal shield, it allows one shield to regenerate while the other one is tanking.

    For example - One ship could use two bubble shields of different diameter at the same time, which means when the one with the largest diameter goes down, the smaller diameter shield will start taking the beating while the first one regenerates. When building a capital ship I think everyone will agree that it takes longer to take a shield down than it takes for said shield to regenerate ( I am talking actual capital shields, above 20mil shield points).

    You might say - hey, you can\'t overlap bubble ships on the same entity, like you can\'t overlap docking modules.

    In that case how will you balance two ships with bubble shields standing together?

    for this to work we would need to nerf out of combat shield regenration, which I personally would hate.

    I\'d still love to see a simmilar mechanic in the game soon, I personally HATE building huge turrets since you have to supplement them with their own shields and power.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    make bubble shields absorbing only 80% and skin shield tanking the rest 20% or 20%*20% if there are 2 bubble shields - no fast regeneration.


    Keep calm and quit raging
    Aug 19, 2013
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    \"The coming update involves a lot off new weapons and combinations, we also get a armor and shield balances to go with these.\"

    The coming update won´t have new weapons buth the update after it will involve new weapon systems. (as far as i know)
    Aug 12, 2013
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    as Master1398 said, the coming updates will have a lot of balancing and new systems, while i agree current shield regeneration and and strength would make the bubble OP.

    with a new balance system this could be worked out, as stated, bubble shields are far weaker, making groups of them would not be wise, since 1 main bubble would protect a whole group that would have skin shields giving them a slight overall advantage while spamming bubbleshields would not work, it would be innefficient when you go and look energy/damage effeciency wise and area of coverage.

    and as all changes, every new addition needs balancing.