Shield Idea

    Nov 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    And this, people, is how it should be done. This allows for your \"giant ships\" to still have enough shielding to defend against smaller ships, but you instead of having one massive field over your whole ship have shield sections, which can vary in size and power.

    This suggestion isn\'t the following suggestion: Decrease Shield Capacity and Recharge Rate the larger and heavier the ship gets, forcing one to increase the amount of Shield Generators on a ship to defend a larger ship.

    That suggestion is actually more in line with what you all seem to be seeing (in my eyes, anyway), and is in fact, a actual issue one would face in space combat with any kind of shielding system.

    One could even just have a central power generation for shields and use the structures tab to adjust how to allocate the Fotrons the various emmitter systems.

    As for the examples of \"Big Things Killing Smaller Things\", the Tiger and the Sherman were on earth and neither had \"energy shielding\", and the Borg Cube has Adaptive Shielding. You can only attack it a few times before EVERY BORG IN EXISTANCE is immune to that frequency. Also Cubes are very well built and all but industructable anyway. Pointing out that 40+ ships using Phasers couldn\'t destroy one doesn\'t really support your argument because those 40+ ships could each be friggin\' Battle Planets and fail to destroy it.

    Plus, the Tiger Tank VS Sherman Tanks is a m00t point as the Sherman was meant to fight in swarms. Many Shermans fall in every fight, but every last Tiger that goes up against a platoon of Shermans ends up in ruins as well.
    Oct 8, 2013
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    For understanding. I am a huge supporter of large ships actually, but I feel like additions could be made. It also would be more realistic, because in real life, fields are formed in spheres, so why not cubes? I feel the need to mention again that this would make fighters useful, fleet movement imprortant, realism, and looks. Thanks.
    Nov 4, 2013
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    YX33A, thank you for saying that. Instead of square shields, i say they should be shperical, and it shouldnt increase the hitbox of the ship itself, but only the shields.

    And there could be \"shield extendors\" that doesnt increase the damage capacity, just the area coverage.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I don\'t think a sphere would work very well because it would have to be in terms of cubes. I do think that the shield hit render/animation should be rendered in an oval or spherical shape, but not the hitbox itself.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    The hitbox would not have to be in terms of cubes. Hitboxes for wedges and corners for example are the same shape as the wedge or corner, evidenced by the fact you can shoot through the \'empty\' part of the cube that it occupies. The hitbox of a ship currently is shaped pretty much exactly like the ship is.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    In the game\'s current form I don\'t think a shield bubble would work very well. AMCs have a habit of passing through blocks to the point that if I\'m not in my core when my ship is being attacked I\'ll often get hit by an AMC that has decided to not hit my ship\'s hull. You can see it better if you observe battle damage. You\'ll likely see missing modules that should have been protected by blocks in front of it.

    I like the idea, however, especially if it is an alternative to regular shielding (rather than a replacement) but changes to the way AMCs register hits need to be made before it would be viable... unless that\'s one of the drawbacks of bubble shields, of course.