Serverlog.txt.* and log.txt.* retention

    Jun 18, 2013
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    Can anyone tell me how long these log files are kept and what happens to them when an update is done? I seem to be losing older logs, so I'm thinking the retention is limited.

    Ideally I'd like to control the retention period - I can collate good stats over time if they are retained longer than what they currently are (seems to be 12 days?), plus it's nice to be able to query the logs for incidents in the past. I had a look in server.cfg but there doesn't seem to be any settings related to this.

    I can hack out a script to archive the logs, but it'd be handy to know how the retention is handled so I don't end up doubling-up on my log archiving (If that makes sense).

    Aug 25, 2013
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    From what I've seen on my server, it keeps 20 log files. It seems to make a new file when they reach 4MiB or after a somewhat random amount of time if they don't get that big.
    You could write a script that archives a log when it's created, then delete it from the log folder to prevent doubling them up.