Server universe administration/configuration options

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Add a server command/option to make it possible to restrict logins to a server to admins only (for testing and setting up missions, scenarios etc.)

    After having found it impossible to upload a custom universe, Ive built in single player mode, to my game server provider hosted server.

    while not particularly a priority at this stage of the games development it will be an important issue later on when more people will want to setup a server with commercial games hosting companies

    Add to Starmote a world managment tool,
    this tool should be able to upload one of the worlds from the client machine to the server and
    also be able to download a world from the server to the client machine
    and select the active world on the server (restarting the server on logoff)

    aslo to make diferent worlds easier to be more unique add a the ability to have a world config file in each worlds directory that only contains any options that differ from the default server config file, so when changing the active world you dont have to remember to overwrite the sever config with one with the settings for that specific world

    so for example if a world has only a few differences from the default server config such as maximum speed and default spawn location then only these settings would be in the world config file and would override the server config file settings.