Server side suggestion

    May 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Currently I play on 4th ranked 50 player sever. Australian server.

    After speaking with the owner about some ideas and thoughts and things happening on this server I thought I would put in some ideas and suggestions that were talked about during a session tonight.

    The server originally a dedicated sever with 50 player max, was using about 300gig upload a day. This was becoming massively expensive for the owner to pay for out of his own pocket.

    Due to this fact, a whitelist had to be implement a small charge for monthly access to the white list. This was done to cover the cost of data usage to keep the server online. This hurt the server due to most players not willing to help pay for the bandwidth.

    With the current setup of whitelisting and lack of admin tools it was one of the easiest and most effective way of reducing net cost of bandwidth.

    Also on top of this when the server is at 50/50 players, admin cannot log in to fix problems in game for the players playing.

    With this all in mind some solutions that could be implemented would need to be done in the engine.

    So basically you would have a 2/40/8 server. Where 2 slots are for admins which are reserved slots, 40 slots for whitelisting’s, and the remaining 8 open to anyone to play and try.

    Also on the side, jump drives were a talked about, as me being in -20,20,-18, and the guys I wanted to play with being in 3,3,3. It was impossible unless they were willing to sit and wait for a hour for me to fly to them.

    Another Idea was portals/stargates. This could be a buildable item that required specific resources that could allow for the transport of players.

    Also blueprints can be a problem. For example, I need a resource, and cannot be bother mining, and manufacturing. To get around this I can launch a single player game, give myself the blocks eg, 10,000, build a ship made of those blocks, save the blueprint, connect to the multiplayer server, upload and spawn the blueprint, buy it, and tear it apart.

    Build block, is an issue. Spawn, buy a build block, fly to the closest planet of station, place the block down, now rip the planet of station down, have massive amount of resources to sell and have massive amounts of cash.

    Pirate stations need shields, or the faction block needs to be better protected. As it is, you can blow turrets off of stations by destroying the turret mount block on the station. The turrets themselves don’t have power, the turret floats away from the station and can not fire as they lose power.
    Jun 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Purchased!

    I\'m the owner of the server Rekit is referring to.

    As Rekit suggested - \"So basically you would have a 2/40/8 server. Where 2 slots are for admins which are reserved slots, 40 slots for whitelisting’s, and the remaining 8 open to anyone to play and try.\" - this would be ideal.

    When I was running as non-whitelisted it was costing $300 a week in bandwidth charges - it was almost 2TB per week in egress bandwidth, which I get charged at the rate of $150 per TB per month.

    These are pretty standard sort of charges for bandwidth here in Australia for a quality dedicated server with DDoS protection.

    I would love to have the option of reserved slots, whitelist slots and public slots combined as Rekit suggested - otherwise it simply is not feasible to run a server in Australia.


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