Server/Client Version Incompatibility

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    Very simple problem. My game won't run, even in single player, because the cilent and server sides of the code are not compatible. I get this error when trying to join a server or even play on my own, due to the server-like nature of single player.

    Server: your client version is not allowed to connect.

    Please download the correct version from

    Client Version: 0.09375

    Server Version: 0.09373

    Apparently Schema forgot to update the version coding when he posted today's hotfix patches, and so the server side of the game's code is considered out-of-date. Doing a fresh reinstall of the game does NOT fix this, because the very versions of the game for client and server are in conflict. We need a new patch with the server-side coding given a new version tag.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    OHH figured it out, at least for local hosting.

    Just start a singleplayer game, and from there people can join on the correct version because of how it still pulls up a server client