Sector rotation and large ships

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I would classify it as an undisireable side effect of sector rotation and should be noted.

    I am currently working on a large ship (120m long) on a multiplayer server. Our crew is "parked" in the vacinity of a shop on the edge of a sector. Due to the size of the ship its rear end is in a different sector to the front end (yay).

    The code in game is obviously smart enough to render the ship based on the sector the core is in, but a problem occurs when I am "space walking" towards the rear of the ship (on the inside). While I am stationary, and the ship is stationary, space in my area is moving. If I were outside the ship this would result in me drifting away, however as I am inside I find myself pinned to the inside of the hull of the ship unable to move (like a bug on a windscreen).

    Simple solution is to park the ship on the other side of the station I know, which I have been attempting to do (hey, its hard knowing where the edges of a sector are these days) but I figured it would be worth mentioning.
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    Wait, sectors drift? Could this be why my ships keep dissappearing?