Scatter missiles...

    Jul 16, 2014
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    I'm going to try and make this short but I believe along with others that the targeting on scatter missiles should be prioritized.. what should be done is that scatter missiles don't target allies and faction members, or things attached to your ship, to prevent them from targeting astronauts inside your ship.

    Thank you for your time I will post more once I have access to my pc


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    They're annoying as heck now, but I think that's supposed to be part of their balancing. Personally, I'd rather they nerf the DPS hard and make them less annoying.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    It'd be interesting if they targeted based on IFF with the priority order: Enemy, Neutral, Radar Jammed. You could then have an IFF Jammer which would require less energy than a radar jammer but its only protection would be putting you even lower on the priority list than a jammed ship without removing your radar diamond or protecting you from lock-on missiles. Finally maybe we could change the pulse missile to a hacking pulse which puts Friendly to to the top target priority for any heat seeking missiles caught in its radius and causes lock on missiles to loose their lock.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I personally think we need a hard counter to heat seekers before anything else gets done with them. Anti missiles turrets have a hard time dealing with swarms so I think a second counter should be in play. They are heat seeking missiles so how about some kind of flare defense.
    Jan 24, 2015
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    I personally think we need a hard counter to heat seekers before anything else gets done with them. Anti missiles turrets have a hard time dealing with swarms so I think a second counter should be in play. They are heat seeking missiles so how about some kind of flare defense.
    I made a bunch of suggestion along these lines recently in this thread.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Remove the ally targeting from Swarm missiles and they're suddenly a *massive* improvement over lock-ons.

    Unless lockon missiles totally lose their lockon timer, or swarm missiles take a DPS cut equal to the value gained by removing the friendly targeting, I'm completely against this.
    Sep 24, 2014
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    Remove the ally targeting from Swarm missiles and they're suddenly a *massive* improvement over lock-ons.

    Unless lockon missiles totally lose their lockon timer, or swarm missiles take a DPS cut equal to the value gained by removing the friendly targeting, I'm completely against this.
    I agree.
    Besides, swarm missiles are meant to be something that lone cruisers or patrol battleships have to defend themselves- they're not meant for fleet battles.
    Jul 25, 2013
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    I personally think we need a hard counter to heat seekers before anything else gets done with them. Anti missiles turrets have a hard time dealing with swarms so I think a second counter should be in play. They are heat seeking missiles so how about some kind of flare defense.
    That would imo be a terrible design choice. A mechanic to counter only 1 weapon combination out of 16?
    Talking about terrible designs: It does tell something about the state of a weapon, when friendly fire is the only weakness.
    I really like heatseekers, but they are the only fire and forget weapon in the game.
    They work well against many ships, they work well against turrets, they work well against drones and they do like all missiles take out whole chunks of hull at once. You don't even need to have the enemy in your fov when fighting him with heatseekers.

    Therefore this:

    Unless lockon missiles totally lose their lockon timer, or swarm missiles take a DPS cut equal to the value gained by removing the friendly targeting, I'm completely against this.
    And i think friendly targeting should be removed. I consider it more as a bug than a serious attempt of balancing the weapon.

    Yes when fighting heatseekers you can use the bad targetting to your advantage etc.,
    but generally speaking: even if there is a way to play around a certain element or counter it, that doesn't mean its not broken.