Scanner Radius.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Get a friend in a jammed ship, put him on the border of a sector. Get in a scanner ship and move 50 meters away, into the neighboring sector.

    You're close enough that you could reliably shoot his ship with a laser pistol.

    You scan. Nothing happens. What gives? Well, it turns out we have a 'one sector' range on scanner unjamming/uncloaking, which literally means 'one sector' - in that it only effects the one sector you're in.

    This is stupid.

    Give us an actual radius of effect on scanner unjam/uncloak, please.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    ...Because you're within spitting distance and can't uncloak them. While at the same time, if they were several kilometers away, but in a different direction, they could be scanned.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    I completely agree.

    Scanner range should be increased to whatever the maximum weapon range happens to be (currently 4.8 sectors)
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    May 3, 2016
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    So completely kill the concept of Stealth Bombers? No thanks.

    It may sound nice on paper but when applied you have essentially killed one type of PVP, at the moment PVP is bland, literally its two large ships shooting at each over most of the time, and the reason its like this because suggestions like this, your willing to kill another way to PVP? Sorry but -1 on this

    If you cannot counter for the tactics they use, then you need to rework your own tactics, not make a suggestion designed to nerf that tactic.
    [doublepost=1467822498,1467822379][/doublepost]I am pretty sure if you check you scan history, you can see where that hostile is located even if they are cloaked/jammed, and if your within spitting distance of them, then you don't NEED to uncloak/unjam them to fuck them up


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    So completely kill the concept of Stealth Bombers? No thanks.

    It may sound nice on paper but when applied you have essentially killed one type of PVP, at the moment PVP is bland, literally its two large ships shooting at each over most of the time, and the reason its like this because suggestions like this, your willing to kill another way to PVP? Sorry but -1 on this

    If you cannot counter for the tactics they use, then you need to rework your own tactics, not make a suggestion designed to nerf that tactic.
    when did I ever say anything about tactics or nerfing shit

    If you don't like the idea of getting unjammed with this fix, stay one sector radius or more away from your intended victim. Not hard to figure that one out.
    May 3, 2016
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    when did I ever say anything about tactics or nerfing shit

    If you don't like the idea of getting unjammed with this fix, stay one sector radius or more away from your intended victim. Not hard to figure that one out.
    I was more referring to that comment Proxima_Centauri made than your suggestion, but still, I don't like this idea


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I was more referring to that comment Proxima_Centauri made than your suggestion, but still, I don't like this idea
    Oh, right. That makes more sense.

    I'd just like a bit of consistency in weapon functionality. Sectors really should be exclusively for navigation, not systems effectiveness. A sphere of effective radius would make it easier for both pilots to judge when they can scan someone, and for pilots to judge when they're risking getting scanned.

    This sort of problem is a lot more noticeable in servers with smaller sector sizes, I might add.
    Jun 17, 2015
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    I have an attack ship that has an array of Md that fires from the top and bottom. I was recently was on a server that has small sectors and a relatively high speed. I was engaged with a ship but could only fire a few of my weapons. Even though I was a sector a way and staring right at the ship I couldn't even start to lock on with my missiles. I have a scanner set up that allows me to quickly scan which turned out to be useless. Needless to say I was very salty.

    I found that long range missile skirmishers are useless in said situation. Considering how easy it is to have jamming on a ship there seems to be no point in missiles having a range beyond 1 sector. The small sector sizes that are default in the game and the range of missiles makes this seem like a bug at best and poor design choice at worst.
    Jul 27, 2015
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    I see what the OP is saying. How a Scanner is set to function right now, does and does not function as advertised, in that one sector of scanning range does scan one sector, but if on the border of a sector will not tell you what is in the other sector unless you move into it.

    1. This could be intentional as to not over load server data (Originally), but has sense become outdated as most servers can handle several sectors scanned as once, so it seems an over sight.
    2. It could be that the Scanner was not originally designed for combat, but was designed for exploration and what is needed is a combat scanner, or a combat functionality for the current scanners.
    Either way I see why this needs to be changes as Scanners are not preforming as advertised in combat situations.
    May 3, 2016
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    Sorry, but "if thing happens then I would have to change my tactics, therefore thing is bad!" is not an argument.
    Next time read what I said instead of glancing over it an assume I said something else

    Let me dumb it down for you

    Stealth Bombers are ships rely on their ability to remain undetected rather than shields, usually in the form of a radarjammer and a lot of skill

    To keep themselves getting scanned and unjammed as soon as the pilot sees missiles coming towards them, smart bombers will stay 1 sector out to avoid scanners and take advantage of the long ranges of missiles (the weapon most stealth bombers use)

    Lets assume that said missiles have a 15km effective range, firstly you stated that a scanners range should be whatever the the maximum weapons range happens to be, in this case 15km, so in a sense, as soon as a bombing target sees missiles heading towards them, anyone with common sense will immediately scan, normally, you will see the sector a bomber is in but cannot lock onto it with missiles because it is not unjammed, but what you want is for stealth bombers to be "fire missiles then get blown up" essentially you would prefer stealth bombers to be disposable cannons rather than an alternative method to engage in what is, bland PVP

    Stealth Bombers have enough drawbacks as is, and you would want them to be made useless.

    So like I said

    If you are unable to counter these tactics that I just explained in great detail, then you need to learn to counter them, there are plenty of ways to counter stealth bombers instead of trying to nerf the fuck out of them
    Jun 17, 2015
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    If you are unable to counter these tactics that I just explained in great detail, then you need to learn to counter them, there are plenty of ways to counter stealth bombers instead of trying to nerf the fuck out of them
    Yea there's two really easy ways to counter it. One would be to have AI controlled missile turrets that will ignore your jamming. The other would be to simply use jamming so you can't lock on to me. Both of these methods would make your bombers totally useless.

    I don't really see why that is more exciting then other forms of ship combat. If someone knows you have stealth bombers then the tactic becomes useless. There's no really play or counter play, just a feeling of satisfaction when you catch someone by surprise.

    The reality is that scanners and jammers don't really seem to have a thought out system so the detection is very binary and restricted. I think we should all just wait for improved mechanics before suggesting changes and bitching about tactics.
    Feb 1, 2016
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    when did I ever say anything about tactics or nerfing shit

    If you don't like the idea of getting unjammed with this fix, stay one sector radius or more away from your intended victim. Not hard to figure that one out.
    Ah now I get what you mean, so you mean a fixed distance instead of sectors. That would be good in my opinion. I can only think it could perhaps add complications and make the calculations a little more tedious since it has to only check what's in the sector and bam. But by all means if it is possible this would be very useful. Especially as HeartUponSleeve mentions stealthbombers, they could focus on keeping a certain distance rather than glitching through sector box corners to stay jammed.
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    Mar 30, 2013
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    Great suggestion, completely logical.

    Regarding HeartUponSleeve 's post, I think the suggestion would make stealth attackers even better, since you won't be uncloaked just for being inside some hard boundary, like Gonzalo said. You can move around freely while looking at everything else and keep your distance accordingly.

    Hell, this could create a new class of ship, basically a SkubSubHunter. Highly mobile with top Scanner systems.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I completely agree.

    Scanner range should be increased to whatever the maximum weapon range happens to be (currently 4.8 sectors)
    No. Scanners should remain a "one sector" range, just make it a sphere rather than confined to the ship's current sector.
    Oct 22, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    I would agree with the OP, that being on the edge of a sector and not being able to scan something 50 meters away across the border of another sector is kind of dumb. Still, it's the way they did it to get it into the game, but it's maybe time now to change that. I would be for allowing scanners to scan an area of space, say 1 sectors width, from the scanning ships location instead of limiting scans to the exact sector the ship is in. That would give me 30km scan range though. I set my sector size to 30 km in the game config.

    1/2 sector 1/2 sector

    Dependent on sector size set in config.