Recognized by Council Scaling missile HP


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Before the HP update missile revamp, I was extremely against the idea of giving missiles an HP value: At the time, their ability to be shot down easily by point defense turrets was the only thing stopping high-damage missiles from being ridiculously and game-breakingly overpowered. Times have changed, however, and proper uses of missiles are now far more situational. I think it's high time that missiles be given their own (low) health values, so that lagging out a server with trillions of decoy swarmers is no longer the only viable way to reliably deliver a satisfying package of kaboom that doesn't just get picked off instantly by point defence turrets. They could scale with the amount of damage the missile does, and be given a % buff or debuff depending on the type. Beam and pulse missiles could get a buff to HP, and swarm missiles could get a debuff.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    100% agree. However I am betting that even with some buffs, the immense amount of PD I use on my ships will thankfully still be able to save my hide from these missiles.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Yeah we really need this. Since the new update they were nerfed way too much. e.g. Half the damage goes into space
    and the explosion acts weird half of the time along with the requirement of having to have massive power capacitors to shoot them.