Saving ships

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Hey! So, me and my friends have spent alot of time on the game now. We finaly made a pretty big ship with many rooms and so on. but after hours of building we didn't have time to play any more. So we simply had to abandon the ship. the problem now is that any one can come and steal it or loot it. So we basicly wasted hours on building something we never even had a chance to fly in.

    All i can see that can fix this is some sort of ship saving mechanic other than blueprints. I would like the option to save just one copy of the ship and being able to get it out for a very very small sum or for free. or maybe you could add a faction feature where you have to buy the option to save all ships in that faction. like an imaginary secret ship garage or something.

    Just feels like every play session gets wasted when you log out and that is no fun at all.


    Mandalorian ShipWright.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    just upload it to the catalog which is simple and easy and i do it all the time. Only draw back is if some one where to take your ship and you use the catalog you gotta bassically pay for it (i believe the price has something to do witht he tech it has and its amount of blocks) but if your a admin you should be able to make it to where you can pay for it 100x\'s over.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    The problem with only having blueprints as a saving option is that i have to buy back my ship all the time. If i quit the game the ship is never there. mainly cuz the server restarted or cuz a guy in the chat who just said \"I just made millions and millions of credits! Imma go buy the biggest ship in the game!\" and the server crashes. (just happend to me). And once more i have to buy my ship back.

    The economy doesn\'t work this way. you dont rent the ship, you buy it. when you buy it you should be able to keep it permanently. right now you cant and that makes me broke over and over again. before i log out i have to make sure i have enough money until next time i join the server.

    A base that only the faction can warp to or something similar. where you can dock your ships so they are permantly saved.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    YOu can make over a billion credits raiding one single pirate station. If your ship costs over a billion you should stop crashing servers :mad:
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Is no one seeing my point? It is just like you would build a house in minecraft and every time the server crashed or restarted the house would be gone and you had cash it out.

    I know how to make money in the game. Build a huge salvage ship and empty every station you find. but this does not work in the long run. A few players know of this exploit and soon when more know there wont be many stations left... Causing every one being broke, especially new players.

    I love the blueprint idea. but i dont want that to be the only way to get ships. i want to make my ship and then keep it until it breaks and only then having to buy a new one.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I have not yet played on public servers yet (only my private 1 so far) but when you log off your ship is left floating in space, so hide it :D (sector 8,8,8 is a great spot to hide it in ;) )

    To prevent your ship from being mined/stolen is to put a faction block on it. (They can still attack and damage/destory your ship including the block preventing capture)

    To prevent your ship from being destoryed, mined AND stolen you need to make a faction station and set it as home base and dock your ship there when you leave for the night.

    If someone else could confirm or deny this would be great :D
    Jun 23, 2013
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    What I would do is save the ship, then salvage it, so that when I get back on, I can sell the parts to buy it again.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    My understanding is that a faction\'s home base cannot be damaged by outsiders, and that ships docked are considered to be functionally part of the structure to which they are docked. So, really, at that point you\'d have to worry about theft from an inside job more than anything else.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Make a faction, start a faction home, dock your ships to the home. You\'re safe.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    In must public servers nobody can shoot your ship in the spawn, so just park it in the spawn with your faction block activated and it should be safe (unless somebody pushes it out of the spawn, if you fear that tether it to the shop). Otherwise MAKE A HOME BASE!