Save Factory production selections and Storage filters into Copy/Paste templates (and blueprints)

    Aug 11, 2014
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    This would be helpful in designing and constructing modular factory systems.

    For example, I just built a factory/logic setup that produces all the necessary blocks for a particular blueprint, but I built it in a prototyping area, and actually need it elsewhere, possibly on every owned station, and setting each Factory module to its proper production and each Storage module's filter - all over again - is prone to error.

    Not to mention, now that rail-docked entities can be appended to ships, factory setups that aggregate the blocks for those sub-segments ought now be easily usable for any number of other ship production assemblies. But not so, for the above stated reason, having to reapply all Factory production selections and Storage filters.

    It would be incredibly useful if the selected productions and applied storage filters were copy/paste-able.
    Feb 8, 2014
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    This would be helpful in designing and constructing modular factory systems.

    For example, I just built a factory/logic setup that produces all the necessary blocks for a particular blueprint, but I built it in a prototyping area, and actually need it elsewhere, possibly on every owned station, and setting each Factory module to its proper production and each Storage module's filter - all over again - is prone to error.

    Not to mention, now that rail-docked entities can be appended to ships, factory setups that aggregate the blocks for those sub-segments ought now be easily usable for any number of other ship production assemblies. But not so, for the above stated reason, having to reapply all Factory production selections and Storage filters.

    It would be incredibly useful if the selected productions and applied storage filters were copy/paste-able.
    I second this heavily, I have set more storage blocks than I can count, and I count pretty high, for pulling of capsule. A way so save it would be wonderful, even better, allow multiple items to be selected at once.
    Aug 11, 2014
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    The Copy/Paste templates can already be saved and loaded, so you could include the whole relevant structure like that, if that's what you mean by multiple item selection. Ideally, it would copy and save all the blocks' metadata as well, like their present Production Selections and Storage Filters. ... Display text, such... whatever.

    Edit: Oh wait, I get it. Multiple selection of Storage Filter items. Sorry.
    Feb 8, 2014
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    The Copy/Paste templates can already be saved and loaded, so you could include the whole relevant structure like that, if that's what you mean by multiple item selection. Ideally, it would copy and save all the blocks' metadata as well, like their present Production Selections and Storage Filters. ... Display text, such... whatever.

    Edit: Oh wait, I get it. Multiple selection of Storage Filter items. Sorry.
    When you copy the auto pull that has been set up is not saved and you have to do it all over again. I was meaning that when auto pull is pulled up and we are adding a pull, I want o add multiple pills at once.
    Edit too,
    I didn't see your edit
    Feb 13, 2015
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    I agree with this I tried copy and pasting some storage containers we had added every current generation block into to move to the new station and discovered none of the info transfers - was very disappointing - then made a test ship with storage in it to see if that saved and it didn't would be a pain to keep rebuilding it from scratch when it doesn't seem like to much extra data to remember compared to the hundreds of thousands of blocks already on a ship/station

    also make a wireless storage block would love to dock my miner and the stuff in it to drain strait into my main inventory without me doing anything