Read by Schine Salvage beams harvest loot clouds?

    Nov 12, 2015
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    I just made some test ships, added storage and placed items into the storage chests. I then blew up the chests and the items dropped. The items were not in a cloud, but instead centralized where the chest was.

    So the only source of loot "clouds" may be pirates, but there are other ways for items to be dropped. I don't see the concept of dropped items going away completely, and while I have a way to work with the current system, it would still be nice to improve it.

    With that being said, I know that there are other more important things being worked on, and I can't wait to see what they have for us next.
    Sep 2, 2015
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    What makes you think this? What will happen when a packed storage gets shot, just delete all the items?
    I think this is pretty impractical change until credits become far more useful than they are now. Aka: Major Trade guild changes.

    well first off when storage gets destroyed nothing will happen as all the items will actually be stored in the "storage area" linked to the storage as far as what happens when those storage areas get destroyed well i think in this case its actually pretty practical that the blocks are destroyed as you just destroyed a physical representation of said blocks.

    Credits will never be useful until they change the way the economy works. When harvesting you get so many resources for so little time it makes 0 sense to trade or purchase goods. When combined with the fact that the only way to get credits is to sell off otherwise good blocks and this creates a non consumerism economy where its easier and more practical to just harvest and make things rather than to make money to buy things.

    This will change when alternative sources of credits become available aka when pirates just drop you money instead of blocks what will you do? save it forever? probably not u'll probably spend it at shops and when shops run out of goods and you still have credits that will open up opportunities for player driven shops.

    Once credits actually become worth things and players are willing to trade their lives and time for credits instead of things with actual value sorta like the world we live in it will also open up the ability for players to start "selling" services ala mercenary work trade escorts whatever you name it.

    Quests will also open up alternative credit revenues. And once people have something to do in this game other than build it will incentivise the spending and making of credits. ( right now you can "harvest" "build" [pvp <---- no one actually does this]) that doesn't leave you much for "gameplay" so you do all of it. When you can bounty hunt pirates, explore unknown areas of space for rewards (trade in a meaningful way) people who just want to play for a little while won't have time to do "everything"


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Items in any inventory link a storage get deposited out of it when the block they are in is destroyed. So if someone is making a cargo run we'll still get loot clouds. Same thing with unprotected storage stations and planets. :)
    Mar 23, 2015
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    Bench did confirm on the devblog that destroyed cargo blocks will drop their contents, so yes, "loot clouds" will still be a thing in some form.