
    Sep 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello! My name is Sparrow38, I'm new to this game and new to the forums! (this is actually my first forum post ever, so yeah) I like to play a variety of video games, including Halo, Sonic, and just about EVERYTHING Nintendo (from Mario, to Zelda to Metroid and F-Zero. yeah, everything) As soon as I saw a trailer for this game, I stopped at nothing in order to get my hands on it, and I can clearly say it is one of my favorite games! (wether its complete or not). I hope to someday start a faction after I get the hang of building and get a good fleet going. Thanks for reading!


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    Welcome to the forums, Sparrow! I\'m sure you\'ll find the game enjoyable, if a bit of a learning experience (Feel free to ask stuff on the \'support\' chat if you have questions).

    I\'d recommend finding a good faction to help you learn the game and its ins and outs before heading off to start your own. The \'factions\' section of the forums here is a pretty good list of all the active ones.