Runtime Exception: Something went wrong initializing the universe

    Jul 27, 2016
    Reaction score
    Hello, I've got the same problem, and again, none of the suggestion in the thread fixed it.
    Basically (according to the log and my poor comprehension of it) it seems to be a timed out error with the local server, I know it's an old post but I don't really know what to do.
    Thanks for any help!


    Mar 23, 2018
    Reaction score
    1. Une instance de serveur Starmade est déjà lancé sur le port 4242. Something uses that port.
    2. IDK why you like using a resident program using up resources through which to download and install your games. My advice would be to permanently dump the Steam software and get your games by simple download from the producer or by torrents. But do as you wish... SM can be downloaded here StarMade without Steam. Just to make sure your problem is with SM and not Steam.
    3. Out of topic: Every little program uses a little more of your resources (computing power) and your total resources are always limited. (You can be a Rockefeller, own a supercomputer just for your fun, still if you install enough crap that supercomputer will sooner or later get filled and unresponsive.) So, to preserve computing power for the games and for whatever you actually need to do with your computer, NEVER INSTALL something you are not sure you will use and find pleasure in its use. What is not already cracked is worthless, believe me. So, why do you need Steam? To get discounts for the games that never worth 10 minutes spent cracking them in the first place?
    Please, remember to ask yourself before you install anything: Do I really need this software? Is there no way I can go on without it? Especially if it's about some piece of software that does nothing by itself, it's just an interface to what you need, but it updates daily, stays always on in your system's memory, needs a lot of resources and has its main purpose to police you (see what software you used, what you paid for and what you did not, prevent you from cracking or using cracked software).
    Last edited:
    Jul 27, 2016
    Reaction score
    For some reasons it works without steam, thanks.
    I don't know why you have a starmade local instance on the logs, because when I looked, there was nothing running on port 4242.
    Anyway, it's fixed now, thanks.
    Dec 5, 2016
    Reaction score
    So, I am here with one good running dedicated server.
    But I wanted to have a build server on the side for people to use.

    I am running into this error:

    I assume this is because I cant run two starmade servers at once?


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    So, I am here with one good running dedicated server.
    But I wanted to have a build server on the side for people to use.

    I am running into this error:
    View attachment 63217

    I assume this is because I cant run two starmade servers at once?
    a nice necro, you should have made your own post and/or just asked in the discord where you would be more likely to get an answer
    Dec 5, 2016
    Reaction score
    I have posted in the discord. I might make a new post if the discord turns out fruitless. Thank you.