Rotator blocks and 2-part turrets

    Jun 28, 2013
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    This is hard to explain with pics, so bear with me.

    Rotator blocks. Can only rotate along 1 axis, so it won't work like turrets, but instead like door hinges. Does not require enhancers. Get what I'm getting at here?

    Doors, blast doors, and moving ship parts- yeah, that.

    2 part turrets- Base and gun- both uses rotators.

    Connect the base (the one with the core) to the ship, then connect your guns with another set of rotators. Base rotates horizonally while gun points up and down. Shares shields and guns.


    Because turrets that are embedded into ships are:

    a) more realistic

    b) more powerful

    c) more awesome

    4) more awesome to look at (yes, that's different from more awesome)

    Hope you people understood what I was getting at.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Though I would like to see the turret block adapted to only operate on one axis, turning left and right but not vertically.

    We can chain dock now, so in theory we should be able to make large and complex 2-tier turrets with a rotating base and an elevating barrel. All we REALLY need for that is for the turret to be locked to one axis ^^
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    • Legacy Citizen
    The problem with this is that turrets are already the most vulnerable part of a ship, and splitting up the shields into two parts makes them more vulnerable. While cosmetically it would look better I\'m also not sure about the performance of having double the number of turrets.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    You never searched for \"turret\", right?

    I don\'t blame you for suggesting - I even like that -, but you should look into at least the second and third suggestion pages (if you don\'t read them for a longer time) or use the search engine (click \"Forum\")

    There are more! Discover the world of our suggestion-forum :)
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    I don\'t think that anyone around these forums would force you to use 2-part turrets.

    Also there is people that doesn\'t go for making the most efficent ship designe (Currently: Deathcube) and instead builts awesome and cool ships.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    How about a method as follows: A constrained turret docking port (only yaw, no pitch) and a cosmetic rotation block.

    What that does is rotate the apperance of some of the blocks of a ship to point the forward of the those blocks at the aiming point. Visually it creates the effect of a turret, but in terms of the engine the only thing that would change is weapon output positions.

    You could also put these on cosmetic turret-like weapons on your main ship, and let those point at your target. Not only that, but if you use those there is a) no shield loss b) your turrets will never clip through your ship and prevent you from repairing/building your ship
    Aug 10, 2013
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    Two part turrets would be great. A checker box would be also great to let players decide which axis is a turret allowed to rotate on. And another that lets you choose if the turret should return to the deafult position when idle.

    Then all we\'d need is bubble shields so we won\'t have to worry about individually shielding every tiny turret joint

    It\'s not necesarily bad to see this idea pop up every now and then in a new topic. Sooner or later someone important is bound to take notice.