
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think there should be a way to rollback an action such as accidently shooting a missile at your own ship, or protection against such. reason i say so, is i made a little fighter ship, and thought i would shott the missiles into random space, they then made a bline for back of my larer ship, which ened up destroying the weapons core and salvage beam computer, so i have to replace the huge ass salvage cannnons, and i forgot to save a backup of my ship at all
    Jun 7, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    Rollback of such action would be rather unfair, especially on multiplayer and because it\'s completely player\'s fault. Actually, there\'s no point in spending time on adding such thing, players just need to take basic precautions - it\'s not really genius-requiring idea to save blueprints in case something will happen or to test dangerous weaponry away from objects that may be affected by such.

    And if that, for some reason, is not enough for you, feel free to build an armored facility with docking bay and powerful shield generator. It\'s really something that player can completely take care of without having developer to spend additional time and resources on implementing.
    Apr 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    I sometimes get this issue, because I have to click to make the weapons show up, and sometimes heatseakers are the ones that get clicked on. Perhaps if there was a safety toggle that is locked when you get in, and to fire any weapons, except the docking beam you would have to unlock it.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    well, i fixed my ship :) yeh i think ill take mroe precautions, gonna add sheilds. i play in singleplayer as i dont have internet on my desktop pc yet, but im basically developing a ship that will be amazing for multiplayer, working together on one giant ship