Reverse Docking & Rail-systems integration

    Jun 30, 2013
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    I suspect this is one of those "easy to suggest, hard to implement" things.... but here goes anyway.

    • Reverse docking:
    • Can we have a method (special rail docker, or rail, or whatever) that allows the primary ship to integrate the systems of docked structures?
    • Bonus: Might we even engage or disengage those systems depending on the rail position, or change the rail position based on the function of the structure?
    • "t" menu systems from the docked structure would appear on the "t" menu of the main ship.
    • Thrust and power from both structures would be calculated as one.

    • Star trek: Intrepid class: The warp nacelles rotate into position before warp-jumps. Yes, we can simulate the effect, but it feels silly having purely decorative warp nacelles when all the systems are in the main body of the ship, or getting my nacelles blasted off, but still being able to warp out.
    • Star Trek: Klingon B'rel, Star Wars X-wing & B-wing: All these ships have primary weapons on the ends of movable appendages.
    • Firefly: Firefly class: Vectored thrusters that pivot on the ends of structural booms.
    • Star-wars: Jedi fighters which reverse-dock to their FTL jump rings.
    • Star Trek: Galaxy, Prometheus and several others. Compound ships really only make sense if the systems of the docked ship become an integrated whole. Imagine a Galaxy class ship as two parts. As soon as I docked, half my ship would become inert dead-weight no matter which half I decided to steer from.
    • A tug boat might reverse-dock to a larger craft, temporarily becoming the pilot-house for the craft.
    • A smaller cargo-handler, might reverse-dock to a cargo pod to move it from one ship to another


    May 24, 2015
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    I'm hoping that this will be seriously looked at during the thrust update, when "shared" thrust is being seriously considered. Perhaps then shared weapons, jump drives, and shields will also be a possibility. Truly modular ships will be here before you know it :)
    Jun 24, 2015
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    I like the idea of modular ships. This opens up some great possibilities. The ability to attach a weapons module or swap it out for a salvage module. Have a standard bridge that can be attached to various hull configurations. The ability to manufacture larger ships with smaller ship yards. This is a good idea.
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    Dec 28, 2014
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    modular core and modular connector, build systems on the modular core and then attach to the modular connector on the main body (ship core).

    when integrated they don't show up and can't be locked on to. UNLESS! you scan in-which-case it reveals the systems locations. helpful for smaller combat ships (or astronauts!) to locate and destroy/disable various systems.

    also makes the screen look WAY less clustered with various core markers and stuff.