Read by Council revamping weapon slaves

    Feb 26, 2014
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    I think it would be a nice addition for weapon customization to be able to asign more than one each to the slots of weapon slave and the effect slave.

    Of course we can't have everything thrown together. This would open up the path to one ultimate combo that's the most effective for almost all tasks.

    Therefore i suggest that every type can be fully added into a slave slot until 100% are reached and after that point the slaves effect ratios become relative to each other.

    For Example: (I'm using %-numbers exemplary here. So it's a bit off from the actual numbers)
    A 100 Block canon could have 25 blocks beam and 75 blocks canon slaved to it.
    this would add the 25% range and 25% projectile speed from beam. The canon would improve reload time, but only by 50% since Beam also forces a 25% longer reload time.

    If you slave to your 100 Block canon 50 Blocks beam and 150 blocks canon you have 200 Blocks of slave in total.
    Since this is more than the master weapon the slaves would act again as if it where only 25% beam and 75% canon.

    Unslaved weapons might want some love too. Having just a bare canon gives you no merit at all right now. This evectively robs people of an option in equipment.
    So it might be nice to have a weapon gain more DPS the less % of slaves it has in total.
    It does not have to be too much since this would probably be to overpowered again.

    My guess is that somewehre between 10% to 25% more DPS for an unslaved weapon in comparison one with 100% slaves might be appropriate.
    Dec 8, 2015
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    Yea I think it would be awesome to be able to do this. I'd really want rapid firing lock on missiles.
    Feb 26, 2014
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    Somehow I of forgot about lock on.
    It sure would be nice to have lock on missiles with somewhat shorter reload time. But as lock on works right now with just being added with a specific slave weapon without any costs for that functionality, this would need some changes too in order to not be overpowered in my suggestion.

    I could imagine a dedicated lock on effect that has scalable advantages and disadvantages over not being used at all in a weapon system.

    EDIT: That sentence is terrible, but I'm too lazy now to completely rewrite.


    Apr 1, 2015
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    It sure would be nice to have lock on missiles with somewhat shorter reload time. But as lock on works right now with just being added with a specific slave weapon without any costs for that functionality, this would need some changes too in order to not be overpowered in my suggestion.
    Missile HP based on the ammount of damage (so pulse means more HP per missile, cannon less) seems to be a good solution for this problem.

    The biggest problem I see with your suggestion is people who think of this game as far to complex complaining about their new shiny cannon with 50% cannon and 50% pulse secondary being nothing but a huge waste of space.

    However, I like and support this suggestion.
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    Dec 8, 2015
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    It would make dumb fire missiles useless, but why can't schine do what they used to do in that dumbfire missiles have double damage compared to heatseeker/lockon?