Restoring a server backup

    Jul 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey, just a quick question related mainly to singleplayer. I wanted a fresh start so i used the reset universe tool to backup my current game and reset to a new one. Only problem is, now i cant seem to figure out how to restore the previous world. Would appreciate any help that can be given
    Apr 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    open your starmade folder and go the folder inside it called \"backup\"

    in that folder will be some zip files, you want the one titled \"server_database_backup_(unix timestamp).zip\"

    in side of it is another folder called \"server-database\"

    delete the server database in the starmade folder (make sure to back it up if neccisary, it has a whole new world...?) and copy the one from the zip after the deletion to the starmade dir.

    yay. you (hopefully (as long as i wasnt that confusing)) did it! :U