Restocking shops?

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi there,

    I'm trying to restock shops as server admin, but the command /shop_restock doesn't do much, even after selecting the shop and then executing it (simply nothing changes at the shop, and no errors or something)

    Also, I'm having serious issues with all of the /give commands, they don't recognize my name?

    My ign is Archer6621, and once I use the command it simply tells me that player Archer6621 was not found.

    Then I tried the /spawnitem thing, but sadly I have no clue of how to spawn things like power blocks, because it keeps coming up with other blocks that have "power" in them too, and I don't know how to display spaces in strings, I tried putting it between "" but it failed :\

    Anybody able to help me out?
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I discovered the problem, there is a slight delay :)

    Now it is over-stocked lol, but at least it works!
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Did you have the shop you wanted restocked selected?

    The way to restock the shop is select the shop with the F key while looking at it, or selecting it from the navigation tab \"N\", and then type in /shop_restock

    If you don\'t have the / in there then it won\'t work, same as if you don\'t have the shop selected.

    Hope this helps!